Additional Resources
- Welcome Tiago episode
- Episode 100! Pagey’s Nostalgia Hour
- Sustainable On-Call Culture with Paige Cruz
- Team Topologies with Manuel Pais
- The Incident Response Landscape with CTO Tim Armandpour
- Prioritizing Post-Incident Actions with J. Paul Reed
- Incident Communications with Kat and Mandi
- Some of our events: CodeMash, DevOpsDays Taipei, DevOps Barcelona, Support Driven, AWS re:Invent
- January 2024 Terraform Roundtable
- PagerDuty and Backstage: GitHub, on the Backstage marketplace, and more from [The Unplanned Show]()
- PagerDuty Status Pages
- PagerDuty Blog
- PagerDuty Runbook Automation
- Intro to PagerDuty Copilot and sign up for Early Access
- PagerDuty Analytics Insights, plus videos for Q3 and Q4
- PagerDuty Home Page
- Episode edited by Mandy Moore
- Transcripts by Rev