Trie is a type of k-ary search tree, a tree data structure used for locating specific keys from within a set.
Trie is implemented as a nested dictionary. Every insert a new temp dictionary is created for nesting, and Trie is a dictionary of dictionaries. Trie can be identified as data structure with four building blocks.
Here are the components of our trie building block
Input: list of words
Output: Trie
Process: Creates a top of dictionary, and calls add_word to the dictionary for each word.
Input: A trie, and a word to add.
Output: A nested dictionary with the word added.
Process: Make a copy of the dictionary in the parameter. For each character of the word, nest further either by getting value dictionary or creating a new value dictionary. Add a Marker to signify end of word addition.
Input: A trie and a word to test
Output: True if the word is present in the dictionary.
Process: Work with a copy to keep nesting until the end of word. If a character is not found return False. Finally, end of word should have "end_marker" key.
Input: A trie and a word to test
Output: True if a word is a prefix
Process: Same as is_word, all characters must exist, but the end_marker need not be present when we complete traversing the word.
Building a Trie using Python.
import json
_end_marker = "*"
def add_word(trie, word):
word_trie = trie
for ch in word:
if ch in word_trie:
word_trie = word_trie[ch]
word_trie[ch] = {}
word_trie = word_trie[ch]
word_trie[_end_marker] = _end_marker
return word_trie
def make_trie(*words):
trie = dict()
for word in words:
add_word(trie, word)
return trie
def is_word(trie, word):
word_trie = trie
for ch in word:
if ch in word_trie:
word_trie = word_trie[ch]
return False
return _end_marker in word_trie
def is_prefix(trie, word):
word_trie = trie
for ch in word:
if ch in word_trie:
word_trie = word_trie[ch]
return False
return True
def print_trie(trie):
print(json.dumps(trie, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
trie = make_trie("hi", "hello", "help")
print(is_word(trie, "hello"))
print(is_word(trie, "he"))
print(is_prefix(trie, "he"))
Here is a visualization that will help us understand the state, when "hi", "help" and "hello" are inserted into the trie. "" is the end-word marker, so after hi and help, the pointer leads to "", but the characters h, e, l, will extend further to create "hello".
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