We’re back with episode three of the Launch Pad with Lindsay Wardell and Tejas Kumar, as we cover the latest acquisition of Gatsby, what we should do with Create React App, and what we think of the Astro 2.0 release.
Lindsay Wardell
Tejas Kumar
Netlify acquires Gatsby, composable architectures, and the future of Jamstack
Netlify announced that it would be acquiring Gatsby
Biilmann cited Gatsby’s recently released Valhalla platform
Netlify Acquires Gatsby Inc. to Accelerate Adoption of Composable Web Architectures
Netlify Acquires Gatsby, Its Struggling Jamstack Competitor
Replace Create React App recommendation with Vite
Replace Create React App recommendation with Vite
Twitter resoundingly agreed about using CRA
CRA’s inability to support PostCSS configurations and recommending Vite, Parcel, Next, or Remix
Dan Abromov’s response
Release of Astro 2 and “hybrid rendering”
Astro 2 released in mid-January
Hybrid rendering alternative API considerations
Unlock New Possibilities with Hybrid Rendering
Introducing Content Collections: Type-Safe Markdown in Astro 2.0
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Special Guests: Lindsay Wardell and Tejas Kumar.