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Pranav Baburaj
Pranav Baburaj

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Introducing to you - Polyglot

I've recently been working on a side project called polyglot. Polyglot is a python module that finds the percentage of different programming languages used in your project.

GitHub logo pranavbaburaj / polyglot

Find the percentage of programming languages used in your project

You can check it out on Github and also drop a star.

Get Started

In order to get started, you will need to have python and pip installed on your system.

  • Check the versions of python and pip
python -v
pip -v
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  • Install python-polyglot using pip

To install python-polyglot in your system, use

pip install python-polyglot
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How to use it

Once Polyglot is all set up and good to go, implementing is easy as pie.

from polyglot.core import Polyglot

# dot(.) represents the current working directory
dirname = "." or "path/to/dir"

poly = Polyglot(".")

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This prints out something similar

|         Language        | files |
|       Ignore List       |  5.88 |
| GCC Machine Description | 11.76 |
|          Unknown        |  5.88 |
|           Text          |  5.88 |
|          Python         | 64.71 |
|           JSON          |  5.88 |

|         Language        | lines |
|       Ignore List       | 17.22 |
| GCC Machine Description | 22.24 |
|         Unknown         |  2.83 |
|           Text          |  0.26 |
|          Python         | 57.07 |
|           JSON          |  0.39 |
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The ignore option is used to ignore specific files in the directory tree. For instance, if you don't want the JSON files to appear in the table, you can add the .json extension to a polyglot-ignore file and pass it as a parameter while creating the polyglot instance.

  • Polyglot Ignores
    Polyglot ignores are used to ignore
    specific files in the directory tree. They
    should have a .polyglot file extension.
    Polyglot Ignores as similar to gitignores
    and are easy to write with almost the same

  • Writing a Polyglot ignore.
    Create a test.polyglot file and add the
    files to ignore

# for a specific file extension

# for a specific folder

# for a specific file

# for specific folders in the directory
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Once you have an ignore file, use it with polyglot like this

poly = Polyglot(dirname, ignore="test.polyglot")
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from polyglot.arugments import Arguments
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The Polyglot Arguments is used to parse a list of arguments(sys.argv[1:] by default) and perform actions related to Polyglot.

  • You can either pass in arguments manually
args = Arguments(arguments=[
"--show=True", "--dir=.", "--o=out.json", "--ignore=test.polyglot"
], return_value=False)
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or leave it blank to parse the command line arguments passed in along with the file

args = Arguments()
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  • Start the argument parser
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The command-line parser has four main options,
--dir(default:current directory) - The directory path
--show(default:True) - Whether to display the table or not
--o(default:None) - Outputs the data as JSON in the file
--ignore(default:None) - The ignore file

An example usage

python -B <filename>.py --dir=. --show=False
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Please star the project on GitHub if you like it. And thank you for scrolling.

Top comments (1)

javacode7 profile image

I like it.