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Priya Kumari
Priya Kumari

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Why Will Credit Unions Embracing Technology Have a Competitive Edge in 2023?


Credit Unions are financial cooperatives that provide various financial services to members. Credit unions have traditionally been located in the U.S. but have recently expanded overseas.
Credit unions are different from banks in many ways. They are owned by their members and do not make a profit for shareholders. They also serve their communities through various charitable activities.

Credit unions can be found in most localities across the country, but they generally offer fewer services than banks. Most credit unions do not provide checking or savings accounts, but they may offer other kinds of accounts, such as CDs or money market accounts. Some credit unions also offer certificates of deposit (CDs) that allow investors to lock up funds for a set period of time without paying interest on those funds until the maturity date, at which time investors can redeem their CDs for cash.

Credit unions are starting to embrace technology, and for a good reason. As the financial world becomes increasingly digital and as young people seek more flexible banking experiences, credit unions have an opportunity to attract new members and customers. But not all banks are embracing tech in the same way—and they shouldn't be left behind. Let’s examine how credit unions embracing technology will have a competitive edge in 2023.

The one-size-fits-all Model for the Credit Union is Gone

The one-size-fits-all model for the credit union is gone. It's time to adapt, evolve and change with the times.

The credit union must be able to adapt to the changing needs of its members and provide a digital experience that meets the needs of younger generations. In addition, they must be able to do this while still remaining financially sound enough to serve their members well in other areas, such as investments and lending services.

Younger Generations Have Higher Expectations for Their Financial Institution (FI)

You may wonder what the younger generations look for in their credit union. The answer is simple: they want to be engaged with their financial institution.

Millennials and Gen Z want their FI to have a mobile app to access accounts on their own terms. Millennials also value convenience and accessibility when making payments or transferring funds from one account to another.

A Credit Union Experience Must Be Digital and Human

The credit union experience must be digital, but it also has to be human. A digital experience should be tailored to the member's needs, and a human one should be personalized. The two experiences need to work together in order for them to create a unique experience for each member.

Engage with Members on Their Terms to Drive Loyalty

Meet members where they are. Credit unions have a unique opportunity to engage with members on their terms because most of them still use traditional technology. But by embracing modern technologies like chatbots and social media channels, credit unions can connect with their customers in ways that are more relevant to them than traditional banks or financial services providers.

Use technology to build trust. Trust is one of the most important factors when it comes to customer loyalty—and if you want your members to trust you enough to open a new account or otherwise engage with your brand, then building an online presence will help establish credibility while also providing valuable information about what makes your company different from others in its industry space (or category).

Start Thinking Differently about Lending

If you're a credit union, it's important to think about how technology can help improve your overall customer experience. We've already seen that technology has been used to improve the member experience by making it easier for them to use their accounts and make payments online. In 2023, we'll see more banks using technology to improve employee experiences as well.
A great example of this is how Wells Fargo recently launched an app called "Wells Fargo on Your Way," which allows customers who are driving through certain states (like Texas) access information about where they need gas or if there are any service stations open nearby while on the road! This app helps customers avoid wasting money while they're away from home and makes sure they don't forget anything important such as food items needed at home, after stopping at one stop along their way.


We're seeing a shift in the way credit unions are looking at technology. We're not just talking about financial applications and apps but also human-centric experiences that make members feel welcome, valued, and connected. These are the kinds of things that will help credit unions compete with larger institutions that have more resources at their disposal and can attract top talent from other organizations. It's also important to remember that these trends aren't going away any time soon—they carry over into future years as well! As we move forward to 2023 and beyond, keep an eye out for things like this happening again at your local credit union or community bank (if not already).

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