As you guys would've probably heard in the past few months, times we are living in are quite uneasy. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on people all over the world, forcing many college students including myself to do their education virtually while also putting many people out of work or under that risk if not, and causing the death of almost 900K people around the world.
There are many risks and factors that play into the likelihood of an individual person or patient contacting the COVID-19, as well as the probability of recovery from the illness. In order to have ourselves be assured about the situation of the pandemic, I created a Diagram that displays many of the entities, relationships and attributes that can help understand the risk factors for COVID-19.
The entities I chose are patient info, test (results & qualities), traits, hospital, and risk.
Patient info
Patient describes the user and has the primary key of User ID. Primary keys are unique fields that identify each tuple of an entity. The said keys include geographic location, age, sex, and occupation. Sex and age are the typical categories you would expect in a medical statistics; but occupation and geographic location serve the more integral points. Notably, Korea’s method of tracking system is what can emphasize the importance of the patients’ occupation and geographic location. Occupations and places they live can help indicate any additional latent infectants.
To be precise about test, I mean the quality of the COVID testing and the results. Quality is all about the accuracy of indicating the infection and result speed is set to indicate the amount of time to find the result, which is something that the medical institutions seek to minimize. Results is simply whether the test patient is negative or positive.
Behavior describes how a patient behaves in their everyday life. Its primary key is also User ID because behavior will be unique to each user. It also contains a foreign key for occupation to reflect the relationship between occupation and behavior. Its relationship with patient is maintained through the shared primary key.
Risk describes a patient's risk from Covid-19. It’s also a separate factor because it is unique to each user and is based on all of the other information.
Hospital describes the characteristics of a hospital within a location. The foreign key for Location is used to form this link. Hospital has the primary key of name because hospital names tend to be very location specific; needless to say that each hospital is also unique with different number of beds and medical staffs so it is an important factor to put in the tuple.
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