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Richard Feldman
Richard Feldman

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I am the author of Elm in Action. Ask Me Anything!

I am Richard Feldman, author of Elm in Action and instructor of the Frontend Masters Elm Workshop. The main open-source projects I'm working on right now are elm-test and elm-css.

I work at NoRedInk, where we have 80,000 lines of Elm code in production. We introduced Elm in 2015, and since then our production Elm code has thrown a total of zero runtime exceptions. We hired Elm creator Evan Czaplicki in 2015 to continue developing the language, and we're hiring!

I'll be here until noon Pacific Time. Ask Me Anything!

Latest comments (119)

linestara profile image
Linestara • Edited


This link from your book doesnt work anymore. Chapter 7

pgiesin profile image
Peter Giesin

Hi Richard!

I have used the Real World Elm demo as the basis of a project I am working on. So far it is working out really well, and I am happy with the structure and flow of the code.

The one area where I am struggling is providing application authentication. The demo provides authentication between the front-end and back-end, however, I need to protect enforce authentication at the front-end elm level.

How would you recommend handling this? Do you have demo code available that provides this type of authentication and routing?


maushook profile image
Muhammath Maushook

I like to learn Elm, what are the basics things I need to know to get the good grip of the language?

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
Sloan, the sloth mascot
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astamatto profile image
Alessandro Stamatto

When will Elm support Node (or be usable in the backend)? In the backend, what has the best affinity with Elm right now?

alejandronanez profile image
Alejandro Ñáñez Ortiz

What is the most difficult part about switching 100% to ELM?

Have you thought about going back to JS at some point (at least for an specific project)? I mean, maybe something was really complex/troublesome to build in ELM instead of Js?

Thank you!

rtfeldman profile image
Richard Feldman

What is the most difficult part about switching 100% to Elm?

Legacy code - there's rarely a good justification to porting really old code that doesn't get used anymore. (So we haven't really done it!)

Have you thought about going back to JS at some point (at least for an specific project)? I mean, maybe something was really complex/troublesome to build in Elm instead of Js?

Only for Node stuff, as Elm is only built for browsers right now.

For browsers, it's the opposite: I don't think I can ever go back. I can't predict the future or anything, but right now I have a really hard time seeing myself applying for a JS job ever again.

alejandronanez profile image
Alejandro Ñáñez Ortiz

That was super quick!

Thanks Richard and thanks for pushing ELM forward <3

vikkio88 profile image

what is the meaning of life?

ryhorpamidor profile image

Hi, Richard!

What in your opinion are most fundamental problems that modern front-end community is trying to solve right now?

Is Elm involved into this problem solving?

Thank you!

berkus profile image
Berkus Decker

Love Elm, keep up the great work folks!

alexeyzimarev profile image
Alexey Zimarev

When do you plan to finish the book (I am surprised no one asked yet, or have I missed it?)

pruett profile image
Kevin Pruett

Any advice for a team looking to incorporate Elm into a large React-based app who relies heavily on server side rendering (SSR) in Node? In a similar vein, do you have thoughts on apps that are SSR'd vs apps that are single page applications?

rtfeldman profile image
Richard Feldman

See regarding SSR in Elm.

My thoughts on SSR in general are "don't do extra work unless it's going to solve a problem you have." 😄

lydell profile image
Simon Lydell

The blog post for Elm 0.17 mentions: "Generated JS is smaller and works with Google's Closure Compiler"

Do you have any experience/numbers on this? Do you know if Google's Closure Compiler is superior for making Elm's JS small (compared to UglifyJS, for example)?

rtfeldman profile image
Richard Feldman

Yeah, I don't have any personal experience comparing them. Sorry!

eeue56 profile image

At NRI, this isn't really a concern or issue. We don't use Closure compiler, and we currently don't need to. There's a bunch of posts on the mailing list about this though ->!searchin... and!searchin...

liamcurry profile image
Liam Curry

Are there plans to move away from Javascript for Native code? If so, could you speculate on what Elm would look like post-JS?


rtfeldman profile image
Richard Feldman

What Noah said. 😄

eeue56 profile image

There is definitely no solid plans for that. WebAssembly gets brought up and that might be a good idea one day but right now it's definitely not.

lukewestby profile image
Luke Westby

What's the most unusual thing you've ever seen Elm used to do?

rtfeldman profile image
Richard Feldman

Pretty sure I saw someone (and I think it was you, but I could be misremembering) write Elm code to control a synthesizer!

marioruizfont profile image
Mario Ruiz

congrats for the book! God bless you and guide You!

rtfeldman profile image
Richard Feldman

Thank you! So nice of you to say! ❤️