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My first DEV post!

Hi, I’m Salah! I’m just starting off since January. I was in a bit of a dry spell, dealing with nerve damage. I’m doing much better since I started physical therapy, which I’m really grateful for. I was getting constant pinched nerves, numbness, back pain, and head pain. It was incredible scary and lasted a month and some change. Now, I’ve been able to start exercising(first time doing so in my life haha) and feel good.

I’m cleaning up some rust and getting back to a rhythm. I’m relearning CSS, HTML, and JavaScript(I was still learning it before I fell off, so not as proficient there).

I’m also beginning a free code camp with Leon Cole on the 20th which I’m really excited for.

I’m hoping to make another post once the boot camp begins and further plan to document my attempts at getting into a job position in Web Development. I’ve not always been the most confident person but hopefully blogging my accomplishments and getting better can help me to build confidence.

Fully expect to be blogging by my lonely but to anyone who may come across this, thank you for reading & if you only scroll to this part, good luck if you’re starting off too! You got this, hope you the best.

Until the next post DEV! :)

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