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Serverless vs. Traditional Hosting

Sh Raj on July 04, 2024

Serverless vs. Traditional Hosting Hosting a web application involves choosing the right infrastructure to meet your application's needs...
polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

What are some real-world examples where you’ve seen serverless hosting outperform traditional hosting?

usman_cd6a3b0f4b6558d8d6b profile image

We can use for reverse proxy, example ->Helps in Legacy transition to modern using strangler pattern

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

For Small Scale Bushinesses

vpashkov profile image

Serverless, in my experience, is not about costs. It is about TTM, which is crucial for new products. It provides scalability, observability, and resilience out of the box. Any non-trivial system would require more than one machine. At a bare minimum, you need to run a database, backups, monitoring system, and your app code itself. The database is usually 2/3 VMs for replication and more for sharing. Another machine for storing logs, metrics and running monitoring dashboard. And a couple for your app code so you can perform maintenance without downtimes. Since you have more than one application server you might also need a load balancer. Serverless systems like AWS Amplify give you all of this out of the box. It allows you to start iterating right away, and then when the system is mature and the user load is predictable, optimize costs by migrating to traditional hosting.

P.S.: I'm not talking about more complex scenarios, where you need a message queue, object storage, analytics system, multiple types of databases, secrets vault, container registry, reverse proxy, API gateway, and many other things. However, serverless might be a better choice in this scenarios as well if it runs in a cloud that provides all the required services.

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Costs == TTM 😉

syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza

image issue
Image description

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

Fixed btw thanks for the information

fridaycandours profile image
Friday candour

Serverless is a stateless runtime for small applications that needs fast term aren't it.

boby_tiwari_fd03ffa35b156 profile image
Boby Tiwari

Thanks for this sweet and simple article

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

Thanks for the appreciation bro ❤️

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

chandra_pantachhetri profile image
Chandra Panta Chhetri

Thank you, I liked the scenario breakdown & the pros and cons of each