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Counter App

First I created a account on GitHub and also on Netlify then create a simple repository only for how it will work or what is process of deploy the site then open the file in Vs Code and create HTML and CSS file. After that downloaded the GitHub desktop app it makes process easy to deploy sites.
Then I created new repository as counter app on GitHub desktop by giving description to it then publish repository. Then open repository in Vs code then create HTML, CSS, JS files. Then code in those files then link CSS and JS file with HTML file. At the last commit and push three files with message. Then import a file from GitHub and deploy the counter app on Netlify.
a. getElementById-By using getElementById we can select that element and make changes on it like delete, style etc.
b. innerHTML-By using innerHTML we can change the value of that element which we selected by id or class.
c. queryselector- We can select Element having 'id' and make changes on it or if we want select multiple elements having same 'class' then we can use querySelectorAll and make changes on it.

a.button- tag is clickable button that allows user to click that particular button and go for next window or for next step.
b.onclick- we can add onclick in different different tags in HTML it performs Javascript oprations after click that button, onclick is mainly used in button tag.
c.table- table tag is use to make tables, it contains different different types of data. We can assign table heading by th, table row by tr, table data by td. We can use colspan and rowspan it defines how many rows or columns should span.

a. @media query- We can use media query, where we want give specific CSS for given width.
b. margin-margin is space between browser border and border of element.
padding-padding is space between border of element and element.

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