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Sib sankar Bag
Sib sankar Bag

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SFDX Commands

sf commands


│ ID │ Summary │


│ alias list │ List all aliases currently set on your local computer. │

│ alias set │ Set one or more aliases on your local computer. │

│ alias unset │ Unset one or more aliases that are currently set on your local computer. │

│ analytics generate template │ Generate a simple Analytics template. │

│ apex generate class │ Generate an Apex class. │

│ apex generate trigger │ Generate an Apex trigger. │

│ apex get log │ Fetch the specified log or given number of most recent logs from the org. │

│ apex get test │ Display test results for a specific asynchronous test run. │

│ apex list log │ Display a list of IDs and general information about debug logs. │

│ apex run │ Execute anonymous Apex code entered on the command line or from a local file. │

│ apex run test │ Invoke Apex tests in an org. │

│ apex tail log │ Activate debug logging and display logs in the terminal. │

│ autocomplete │ Display autocomplete installation instructions. │

│ cmdt generate field │ Generate a field for a custom metadata type based on the provided field type. │

│ cmdt generate fromorg │ Generate a custom metadata type and all its records from a Salesforce object. │

│ cmdt generate object │ Generate a new custom metadata type in the current project. │

│ cmdt generate record │ Generate a new record for a given custom metadata type in the current project. │

│ cmdt generate records │ Generate new custom metadata type records from a CSV file. │

│ commands │ List all sf commands. │

│ community create │ Create an Experience Cloud site using a template. │

│ community list template │ Retrieve the list of templates available in your org. │

│ community publish │ Publish an Experience Builder site to make it live. │

│ config get │ Get the value of a configuration variable. │

│ config list │ List the configuration variables that you've previously set. │

│ config set │ Set one or more configuration variables, such as your default org. │

│ config unset │ Unset local or global configuration variables. │

│ data create file │ Upload a local file to an org. │

│ data create record │ Create and insert a record into a Salesforce or Tooling API object. │

│ data delete bulk │ Bulk delete records from an org using a CSV file. Uses Bulk API 2.0. │

│ data delete record │ Deletes a single record from a Salesforce or Tooling API object. │

│ data delete resume │ Resume a bulk delete job that you previously started. Uses Bulk API 2.0. │

│ data export tree │ Export data from an org into one or more JSON files. │

│ data get record │ Retrieve and display a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object. │

│ data import tree │ Import data from one or more JSON files into an org. │

│ data query │ Execute a SOQL query. │

│ data query resume │ View the status of a bulk query. │

│ data resume │ View the status of a bulk data load job or batch. │

│ data update record │ Updates a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object. │

│ data upsert bulk │ Bulk upsert records to an org from a CSV file. Uses Bulk API 2.0. │

│ data upsert resume │ Resume a bulk upsert job that you previously started. Uses Bulk API 2.0. │

│ deploy functions │ Deploy a Salesforce Function to an org from your local project. │

│ dev audit messages │ Audit messages in a plugin's messages directory to locate unused messages and missing ... │

│ dev convert messages │ Convert a .json messages file into Markdown. │

│ dev convert script │ Convert a script file that contains deprecated sfdx-style commands to use the new sf-s... │

│ dev generate command │ Generate a new sf command. │

│ dev generate flag │ Generate a flag for an existing command. │

│ dev generate plugin │ Generate a new sf plugin. │

│ doctor │ Gather CLI configuration data and run diagnostic tests to discover and report potentia... │

│ env compute collaborator add │ Add a Heroku user as a collaborator on this Functions account, allowing them to attach... │

│ env create compute │ Create a compute environment for use with Salesforce Functions. │

│ env delete │ Delete an environment. │

│ env display │ Display details about an environment. │

│ env list │ List the environments you’ve created or logged into. │

│ env log │ Stream log output for an environment. │

│ env log tail │ Stream log output for an environment. │

│ env logdrain add │ Add log drain to a specified environment. │

│ env logdrain list │ List log drains connected to a specified environment. │

│ env logdrain remove │ Remove log drain from a specified environment. │

│ env open │ Open an environment in a web browser. │

│ env var get │ Display a single config variable for an environment. │

│ env var list │ List your environment's config vars in a table. │
│ env var set │ Set a single config value for an environment. │

│ env var unset │ Unset a single config value for an environment. │

│ force data bulk delete │ Bulk delete records from an org using a CSV file. Uses Bulk API 1.0. │

│ force data bulk status │ View the status of a bulk data load job or batch. Uses Bulk API 1.0. │

│ force data bulk upsert │ Bulk upsert records to an org from a CSV file. Uses Bulk API 1.0. │

│ force lightning lwc test c... │ creates a Lightning web component test file with boilerplate code inside a tests d... │

│ force lightning lwc test run │ invokes Lightning Web Components Jest unit tests. │

│ force lightning lwc test s... │ install Jest unit testing tools for Lightning Web Components. │

│ generate function │ Create a Salesforce Function with basic scaffolding specific to a given language. │

│ help │ Display help for sf. │

│ info releasenotes display │ Display Salesforce CLI release notes on the command line. │

│ lightning generate app │ Generate a Lightning App. │

│ lightning generate component │ Generate a bundle for an Aura component or a Lightning web component. │

│ lightning generate event │ Generate a Lightning Event. │

│ lightning generate interface │ Generate a Lightning Interface. │

│ lightning generate test │ Generate a Lightning test. │

│ login functions │ Log in to Salesforce Functions. │

│ login functions jwt │ Login using JWT instead of default web-based flow. This will authenticate you with bot... │

│ logout functions │ Log out of your Salesforce Functions account. │

│ mdt changeset retrieve │ │

│ mdt customlabels reorder │ │

│ mdt flow compose │ │

│ mdt flow decompose │ │

│ mdt git delta │ │

│ mdt profile adapt │ │

│ mdt profile clean │ │

│ mdt profile reorder │ │

│ mdt profile retrieve │ │

│ mdt translations adapt │ │

│ mdt translations mergeretr... │ │

│ mdt translations retrieve │ │

│ mdt workflow activate │ │

│ mdt workflow deactivate │ │

│ org assign permset │ Assign a permission set to one or more users of a scratch org. │

│ org assign permsetlicense │ Assign a permission set license to one or more users of a scratch org. │

│ org create sandbox │ Create a sandbox org. │

│ org create scratch │ Create a scratch org. │

│ org create shape │ Create a scratch org configuration (shape) based on the specified source org. │

│ org create snapshot │ Create a snapshot of a scratch org. │

│ org create user │ Create a user for a scratch org. │

│ org delete sandbox │ Delete a sandbox. │

│ org delete scratch │ Delete a scratch org. │

│ org delete shape │ Delete all org shapes for a target org. │

│ org delete snapshot │ Delete a scratch org snapshot. │

│ org disable tracking │ Prevent Salesforce CLI from tracking changes in your source files between your project... │

│ org display │ Display information about an org. │

│ org display user │ Display information about a Salesforce user. │

│ org enable tracking │ Allow Salesforce CLI to track changes in your source files between your project and an... │

│ org generate password │ Generate a random password for scratch org users. │

│ org get snapshot │ Get details about a scratch org snapshot. │

│ org list │ List all orgs you’ve created or authenticated to. │

│ org list auth │ List authorization information about the orgs you created or logged into. │

│ org list limits │ Display information about limits in your org. │

│ org list metadata │ List the metadata components and properties of a specified type. │

│ org list metadata-types │ Display details about the metadata types that are enabled for your org. │

│ org list shape │ List all org shapes you’ve created. │

│ org list snapshot │ List scratch org snapshots. │

│ org list sobject record-co... │ Display record counts for the specified standard or custom objects. │

│ org list users │ List all locally-authenticated users of an org. │

│ org login access-token │ Authorize an org using an existing Salesforce access token. │

│ org login device │ Authorize an org using a device code. │

│ org login jwt │ Log in to a Salesforce org using a JSON web token (JWT). │

│ org login sfdx-url │ Authorize an org using a Salesforce DX authorization URL stored in a file or through s... │
│ org login web │ Log in to a Salesforce org using the web server flow. │

│ org logout │ Log out of a Salesforce org. │

│ org open │ Open your default scratch org, or another specified org, in a browser. │

│ org refresh sandbox │ Refresh a sandbox org using the sandbox name. │

│ org resume sandbox │ Check the status of a sandbox creation, and log in to it if it's ready. │

│ org resume scratch │ Resume the creation of an incomplete scratch org. │

│ package1 version create │ Create a first-generation package version in the release org. │

│ package1 version create get │ Retrieve the status of a package version creation request. │

│ package1 version display │ Display details about a first-generation package version. │

│ package1 version list │ List package versions for the specified first-generation package or for the org. │

│ package create │ Create a package. │

│ package delete │ Delete a package. │

│ package install │ Install or upgrade a version of a package in the target org. │

│ package install report │ Retrieve the status of a package installation request. │

│ package installed list │ List the org’s installed packages. │

│ package list │ List all packages in the Dev Hub org. │

│ package uninstall │ Uninstall a second-generation package from the target org. │

│ package uninstall report │ Retrieve the status of a package uninstall request. │

│ package update │ Update package details. │

│ package version create │ Create a package version in the Dev Hub org. │

│ package version create list │ List package version creation requests. │

│ package version create report │ Retrieve details about a package version creation request. │

│ package version delete │ Delete a package version. │

│ package version displayanc... │ Display the ancestry tree for a 2GP managed package version. │

│ package version list │ List all package versions in the Dev Hub org. │

│ package version promote │ Promote a package version to released. │

│ package version report │ Retrieve details about a package version in the Dev Hub org. │

│ package version update │ Update a package version. │

│ plugins │ List installed plugins. │

│ plugins add │ Installs a plugin into sf. │

│ plugins discover │ See a list of 3rd-party sf plugins you can install. │

│ plugins inspect │ Displays installation properties of a plugin. │

│ plugins install │ Installs a plugin into sf. │

│ plugins link │ Links a plugin into the CLI for development.... │

│ plugins remove │ Removes a plugin from the CLI. │

│ plugins reset │ Remove all user-installed and linked plugins. │

│ plugins trust verify │ Validate a digital signature. │

│ plugins uninstall │ Removes a plugin from the CLI. │

│ plugins unlink │ Removes a plugin from the CLI. │

│ plugins update │ Update installed plugins. │

│ project convert mdapi │ Convert metadata retrieved via Metadata API into the source format used in Salesforce ... │

│ project convert source │ Convert source-formatted files into metadata that you can deploy using Metadata API. │

│ project convert source-beh... │ Enable a behavior of your project source files, and then update your Salesforce DX pro... │

│ project delete source │ Delete source from your project and from a non-source-tracked org. │

│ project delete tracking │ Delete all local source tracking information. │

│ project deploy cancel │ Cancel a deploy operation. │

│ project deploy pipeline quick │ Quickly deploy a validated deployment to an org. │

│ project deploy pipeline re... │ Check the status of a pipeline deploy operation. │

│ project deploy pipeline re... │ Resume watching a pipeline deploy operation. │

│ project deploy pipeline start │ Deploy changes from a branch to the pipeline stage’s org. │

│ project deploy pipeline va... │ Perform a validate-only deployment from a branch to the pipeline stage’s org. │

│ project deploy preview │ Preview a deployment to see what will deploy to the org, the potential conflicts, and ... │

│ project deploy quick │ Quickly deploy a validated deployment to an org. │

│ project deploy report │ Check or poll for the status of a deploy operation. │

│ project deploy resume │ Resume watching a deploy operation and update source tracking when the deploy completes. │

│ project deploy start │ Deploy metadata to an org from your local project. │

│ project deploy validate │ Validate a metadata deployment without actually executing it. │

│ project generate │ Generate a Salesforce DX project. │

│ project generate manifest │ Create a project manifest that lists the metadata components you want to deploy or ret... │

│ project list ignored │ Check your local project package directories for forceignored files. │

│ project reset tracking │ Reset local and remote source tracking. │

│ project retrieve preview │ Preview a retrieval to see what will be retrieved from the org, the potential conflict... │

│ project retrieve start │ Retrieve metadata from an org to your local project. │

│ run function │ Send a cloudevent to a function. │

│ run function start │ Build and run a Salesforce Function. │

│ run function start container │ │

│ run function start local │ Build and run a Salesforce Function locally. │

│ scanner rule add │ Add custom rules to Salesforce Code Analyzer's registry to run them along with the bui... │

│ scanner rule describe │ Provide detailed information about a rule that includes the rule's language (such as A... │

│ scanner rule list │ List basic information about all rules matching provided criteria. │

│ scanner rule remove │ Remove custom rules from the registry of available rules. │

│ scanner run │ Scan a codebase with all the rules in the registry, or use parameters to filter the ru... │

│ scanner run dfa │ Scan codebase with all DFA rules by default. │

│ schema generate field │ Generate metadata source files for a new custom field on a specified object. │

│ schema generate platformevent │ Generate metadata source files for a new platform event. │

│ schema generate sobject │ Generate metadata source files for a new custom object. │

│ schema generate tab │ Generate the metadata source files for a new custom tab on a custom object. │

│ search │ Search for a command. │

│ sobject describe │ Display the metadata for a standard or custom object or a Tooling API object. │

│ sobject list │ List all Salesforce objects of a specified category. │

│ static-resource generate │ Generate a static resource. │

│ update │ update the sf CLI │

│ version │ │

│ visualforce generate compo... │ Generate a Visualforce Component. │

│ visualforce generate page │ Generate a Visualforce Page. │

│ whatsnew │ Display Salesforce CLI release notes on the command line. │

│ which │ Show which plugin a command is in. │

│ whoami functions │ Show information on your Salesforce Functions login.

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