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Things I learned doing my Portfolio

Silvia España Gil on July 24, 2021

Hola Mundo! It's me, fresh out of bootcamp Silvia and I'm ready to create my Portfolio👩🏻‍💻. Well actually, as I'm writing these line...
larsejaas profile image
Lars Ejaas

Cool page! My Spanish is a bit... ehh.. rusty! 😁😂 But I really like your style! Always prefer portfolio pages that shows personality and originality, and yours do! Cool! My personal page was a great opportunity to get into React and JamStack, I really enjoyed the process! You can check it out at it has made a huge difference: I tend to get job interviews because imployees like a portfolio page in my opinion.

silviaespanagil profile image
Silvia España Gil


What a portfolio! I'm amazed with it. Loved the fixed footer and is a feature I think I've never seen. I do agree with you that the portfolio helps to get more interviews I've seen a diference too

larsejaas profile image
Lars Ejaas

Thank you for the kind words 😊 I wish you the best of luck! Interviews can be hard! But this is fortunately something you can practice too 😊

roneo profile image

Hi Sylvia, I quickly checked your portfolio, Nice!
The content doesn't fit on the screen though, when visiting from a smartphone

silviaespanagil profile image
Silvia España Gil

Thanks Roneo, did some changes already, thank you. But will like to ask you where did you encounter this issue and if this is regarding the width or height.

Thank you again

roneo profile image

Hi Sylvia, and thx for the follow-up.
That's no big deal, but the horizontal scroll appears on my 5" screen
I can't provide more info right now though

snikhill profile image
Nikkhiel Seath • Edited

It is good to know that you created a Website for yourself and learnt in the process.

Following your suggestion, I am sharing mine in hope that maybe we can connect and learn together. :)

By the way, there is a certain issue with placement of text and profile image height (On a Mobile View). But, I am sure that you will fix it in no time.



silviaespanagil profile image
Silvia España Gil

Looks like I'm getting rid of the grid lol, in most of mobiles looks ok, but when resizing or in some random cuts it. Thanks for the capture.

Loved your portfoliko, thank you for sharing it, if I could give you a feedback it would be to try and set a height to the proyect cards so it looks more polished. Also, as you do has your code on GitHub you could add the link to the project in the card

captainyossarian profile image

Hi, try to open your portfolio on mobile devices. There are gaps between images and text.

silviaespanagil profile image
Silvia España Gil

Hi Yos, not sure what do you mean with "gaps between images and text" could you tell me in which area? Thanks for the feedback

captainyossarian profile image
yossarian • Edited

Sorry, unable to upload the screenshot from my phone. Nevertheless, I like the design. Keep going!

gregoriocarrillo profile image

Love it, me encanto tu Portfolio, simple y directo, y a la vez muy alegre, fresco y original. Saludos

silviaespanagil profile image
Silvia España Gil

¡Gracias Gregorio!

hamodey85 profile image
Mohammed Almajid

1- mobile first
8- mobile first
