Create and share an open source project that addresses climate change and/or pollution. Must be licensed under a standard free software license such as BSD, GPL or MIT.
Rules below::
Your solution must be posted to a publicly accessible Github repository with the appropriate license included.
You must be a US high-school or undergraduate college student.
If you are below the age of 18, you must provide written parental consent to have your submission considered; this can be done via email.
In the event that you win, The Mad Botter INC is granted the right to post a picture of you in the winning announcement and other applicable venues; if you are below the age of 18 your parent or guardian also provides permission for this by consenting to your entering the contest.
The winning entry will be the one that shows the most practical potential and creativity and will be selected by The Mad Botter team.
All submissions should be sent to and include a brief bio, explanation of the solution and a link to the Github repository.
Tag me if you win! The System76 Thelio Desktop is slick! Alas, I am not a student
Submissions will be accepted until 5/29/2020.
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