Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast recorded Thursday May 18, 2017 at the same place they are always recorded: Stack Overflow HQ in NYC! Today's episode is brought to you by Shabbos Goy, Maori face markings, and the brand new Stack Overflow App! (And no, Windows phone is still not supported…) On today's show:
- We learn that Vienna is really pretty! Thanks Joel, who knew? Here's the "St Paul's of Apple Streudel" as it is most certainly called, probably:

- August door locks: "OMG no, just no." - Joel Spolsky
- Special guest Wade Foster, co-founder and CEO of Zapier, joins us to chat about building a company that is fully remote, as well as some of the advantages and challenges of Zapier's remote-first philosophy. BTW, they're hiring and they'll pay you to "de-locate" from SF.
- Speaking of remote work, IBM is dismantling its popular remote work policy, giving many workers the choice of relocating to the nearest office, or leave the company altogether. Not surprisingly, Joel and Jay have a few things to say about that…
- Stack Overflow en Español just graduated! CM Juan Garza is here to tell us about the site, its amazing stats, and the SO community building process.
- Stack Overflow is now fully converted to HTTPS and Nick Craver has a new blog post chronicling the process: HTTPS on Stack Overflow: The End of a Long Road (12,000 words? Well he did say it was a loooong road.)
- The Third Man is a cool movie.
- The St Paul's of Apple Struedel is actually called "Kunst Historisches Museum"
- Joel's words of wisdom: "When faced with a problem, ask yourself, 'Is there anything that I can throw away that will fix the problem?'"
- Los invitamos a las celebraciones de nuestra graduación en Madrid y en la Cuidad de México. Para el evento en Madrid, favor de visitar este enlace: http://bit.ly/2racIT4 . La celebración tomará lugar el 25 de mayo. Para el event en la Ciudad de México, [vean esta publicación en Meta](https://es.meta.stackoverflow.com/q/1843/4) donde habrá más información. La celebración tomará lugar el 16 de junio. ¡Espero verlos en vivo y en persona!
- Jay's blog post from 2014 "Can't we all be reasonable and speak English?"
- News items: "IBM orders its remote workers back into the office" and "HTTPS on Stack Overflow: The End of a Long Road"