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Share Code With A Github Repository - A Quick Start Guide

Problem: You have code you want to share with others and you don’t know git…
Solution: Here are the basic steps to follow
1 Download and install Git

Git Page

Install Git on Win10 quick video

2 Navigate to the root folder of your project and create a file named .gitignore

Include inside it the folders and files that you do NOT want to share.


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3 Initiate a git repository by typing

git init
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in the console

4 Stage all the files you are about to commit by typing

git add .
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5 Make the commit

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YOUR_DESCRIPTIVE_MESSAGE is just informative text

So far you have commited your code to a local git repository.
Now you need to make it public, with a remote repository hosted in Github.
(There are alternatives to Github, such as Gitlab, Bitbucket and more but this is not the topic of this article…)


6 Sign up and sign in to Github:

7 From the top-right select the + sign , New Repository

8 Set a name for the new repository, e.g myrepo

9 In the next screen, copy the lines from the paragraph …or push an existing repository from the command line


git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
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10 Paste those lines in the console and enter


Now the contents of your project (except the .gitignore includes) are uploaded to a repository in Github which you can share via the url like


thats all folks!


After on, if you update your code you can be updating your local commits with

git add .
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and also updating the remote copy of your repository in Github with

git push
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