Do you know 82% of world’s online customer makes purchase in-aisle?
Over the past years, online shopping has transformed as how we sell and buy. The percentage of eCommerce shopper is increasing owing to the fact of easier customer experience and user experience. Currently, Online Shopping is one of the massive steadily growing Industry.
On a note, multivendor eCommerce website like Amazon and eBay had a tremendous success in running an eCommerce marketplace website business model. The net revenue of Amazon based from the first quarter 2007 to the 3rd quarter of 2017 is reported to be 43.8 billion U.S dollars. These seem to be a promising fact that, an eCommerce company can be more successful than ever before. So, All you need is to do to get your shopping platform to get connected with your Customers to instigate your business...then, you are extremely good to go beyond! But wait why so many eCommerce portal and mobile apps get failed? The Major point is that they don’t retain their users. So, you wish to struggle such sluggish mode of business.
Certainly not!!! Well, In this article I’d wish to give insights about how to create an eCommerce website with Apptha Marketplace which is practiced by the world’s largest renowned shopping Platform. Eventually, you need not be the one among those flunked wanted websites.
Cooking with Apptha Marketplace - A Oh-So Recipe for eCommerce Biggie
In the beginning, You have gone through the what all these Gargantuan eCommerce Websites like Amazon, eBay and Etsy are made of? Yes, these eCommerce recipes have put into the most affluent eCommerce Marketplace Platform. Let us dig into the stats on how much the marketplace platform have favored its potential to those top brands:
Daily unique Visitors 3,412, 000
Monthly Unique Visitors 102,360,000
Daily Pageviews 26,750,080
Daily unique Visitors 7,440,000
Monthly Unique Visitors 223,200,000
Daily Pageviews 53,716,800
Daily unique Visitors 1,744,500
Monthly Unique Visitors 52,335,000
Daily Pageviews 10,728,675
To build a Successful Multi-vendor eCommerce Website, all you need is to figure out certain insights before getting it done.
- Create your Product
- Discern the pricing of your Store Products
- Figure out your Shipping Mode of Options
- Pick your Platform to enact
- Hand-pick your Custom domain
- Choose your Merchant Account
- Prepend an Encryption like SSL to your Website
- Finally, Sell Your Product Online
The list seems to be more bewildered. Right! Now, before your Freak out your Contemplations, let me know you were viewing to develop something that echoes like those big giant eCommerce Shoppers.
What Apptha Marketplace can proffer you to Build your Big-giant eCommerce recipe
Well! Before getting it done, let us dig deeper insights to understand what is Apptha Marketplace?
What is Apptha Marketplace?
Apptha Marketplace is a bunch collection of products that help the customers to buy everything at one single store. To get into deeper - It is an online marketplace store where users can walk in and shop any sort of products from the several different goods-producing vendors.
##How far this eCommerce marketplace store is different from those sluggish Websites:
- It’s a collaborative platform involved with Store Owners, Sellers and Buyers.
- Allows vendors to develop to create, upload and manage the products.
- Both the sellers and the owner can sell any kind of goods to the buyers
- The admin can collect a commission from the marketplace that gets the piece of the action.
- The Store Owner can approve the Seller and Products
- A Multi hold up of goods - Supports all kind of Products
- Ceaseless Commission Management for the Seller and Owner
- A Complete Support of extensive Add-ons for an augmented feature like Membership for sellers, Varied Payment Gateway, Return Merchandise Authorisation (RMA), Chat Support and Much More.
- Absolute Responsiveness on any Cross-Platform
The Oh-So Recipe Website Cost
In the end, You wanted to know the Platform cost which automatically tracks your sales and determines how much commissions you have made. You couldn’t earnestly be convinced by the price. The amount of money to spend on developing this eCommerce marketplace is just $999, which is much rock-bottom than buying an iPhone X.
Do you know that you can develop a custom eCommerce marketplace!
All right! Apptha Marketplace is designed in a phase that every non-technical individual can do everything you wish to. No longer of chewing with the arduous codings and collecting advice from expert developers.
Do you believe that there is ready-made solution to build your eCommerce recipe website instantly?
What would be your expectation? It's incredible to know that, now everything you wish to develop your eCommerce website is available in Apptha Marketplace in the form of Plugins and elegant themes. Now, you could develop your own eCommerce website that performing within 2 hours.
Am really addled why you are still waiting for? Though, I have mentioned the links and the platform to get your eCommerce marketplace done awesome! You have made a decision on spending less than $1000 to build your revenue earning eCommerce marketplace that deserves to boost your profit in million numbers.
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