1. What is Software Testing?
Software testing is a process of testing a software product or a application and does what is supposed to do. The benefits of Software Testing includs finding bugs, improving performance and reducing development costs. It qualifies system on different aspects such as usability, accuracy, efficiency, etc.
2. What we need to know about Software Testing?
Software testing has traditionally been separated from the rest of development. It is often conducted later in the software development life cycle, after the product build or execution stage. Then, if defects are found, there isn't much time left for fixing or retesting. Therefore, many development teams now use a methodology known as continuous testing, which means that development and testing collaborate over the entire product life cycle. With this testing technique teams don't need to wait for the software to be built before testing starts. They can run tests much earlier in the cycle to discover defects sooner when they are easier to fix.
3. What is the relevance of Software Testing?
Software testing helps the product pass quality assurance (QA) and meet the criteria and specifications defined by the users. Increases customer trust and satisfaction.
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