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Understanding SOLID Principles: Dependency Inversion

Theofanis Despoudis on July 18, 2017

This is the 1st part of the series of understanding SOLID Principles where we explore what is Dependency Inversion and why it helps deliver softwar...
iamjochem profile image
Jochem Maas

nice write up. not directly related to the topic but I feel that not rejecting promises with anything other than actual Error instance is yucky. ... It would be nice if the whole JS world could agree on that API/Interface ... It would make error handling code alot less error prone (it difficult to know with certainty whether any given .catch() handler wont be confronted with a non Error from some deeply nested dependency)

dimitarnestorov profile image
Dimitar Nestorov • Edited
theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

Thank you. Yes they are not the same!

mikeeus profile image
Mikias Abera

Great tutorial. Thank, Theofanis!

mkuegi profile image
Markus Zancolò

I already like the series. Looking forward to the next one.

remojansen profile image
Remo H. Jansen

Thanks for writing about inversify!