Lindsay and Steve talk about other ways to build Vue applications than Vue CLI or Vite templates. Lindsay talks about her experience migrating her personal site from Nuxt to Astro, a new static site generator that provides islands of reactivity in a framework agnostic way.
Steve talks about Inertia, and building modern monoliths using Laravel and Vue. They also discuss the release of the Nuxt 3 public beta, and some of the things to keep in mind if you’re looking to migrate from Nuxt 2 to 3.
- Lindsay Wardell
- Steve Edwards
- JSJ 443: All About InertiaJS with Jonathan Reinink
- From Nuxt to Astro - Rebuilding with Astro
- Nuxt 3
- Lindsay- Railway
- Lindsay- Fig
- Steve- Best Practices (Why I Hate Them)
- Steve- standup.trex- Instagram
- Steve- dadsaysjokes - Instagram
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