In this episode of the podcast Bekah and Dan talk to Jono Yeong, a senior software engineer originally from Australia, but currently based in Seattle, USA, about how digital gardening leaves room for growth, allows you to develop what you enjoy, and is an investment in communication skills. We also talk about learning Elixir, the process he goes through as he's learning something new, and how he brings learning new things to what he's doing with Rails. Bonus: he even walks us through how to do a proper Tim Tam slam.
About Jono:
A senior software engineer originally from Australia, currently based in Seattle, USA. He's primarily a back-end developer but is enjoying re-entering the crazy world of front-end development. Loves giving back to communities and empowering others on their developer journeys. Without such a supportive community he wouldn't be where he is today. Hash browns are his guilty pleasure food.
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