Your hosts
Adam Tuttle -- Twitter, Website
Carol Hamilton -- Twitter
Tim Cunningham -- Twitter
Follow the show! Our website is and we're @WorkingCodePod on Twitter & Instagram. New episodes weekly on Wednesday.
Triumphs & Fails
- Ben's Triumph and Failure: He finally backs up his computer! Only 5 years in the work.
- Tim's Triumph: He was invited to speak at a virtual conference this week as a community expert. It was really amazing.
- Carol's Triumph and Failure: She was locked out of a database only to realize she configured the connection wrong from the first day. Total face/palm time.
- Adam's Failure: He committed to main... tsk tsk. Who commits to main?? Oh yeah, Adam does...
Notes & Links
- We want discuss how we handle remote working. Adam and Ben are pros at it but Tim and Carol are new. We go over communication styles and how they differ between face to face and virtual. How we balance home life and work life when we work in our home. We might not get it right, but we keep trying. Grab a drink and laugh with us as we figure it all out.
- Freakonomics Podcast
- Rich Hickey: Hammock Driven Development
- Rich Hickey: Simple Made Easy