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Is JavaScript Dominating the Dev World?

Yaser Al-Najjar on August 17, 2019

I read this today: WellPaidGeek @wellpaidgeek ...
absinthetized profile image
Matteo Nunziati

Most common in IT, less used in automation and embedded side of IoT. 12+ years as a coder. JavaScript is probably 1% of the code I've written. Also do not forget the undisputed love of corporates for java!

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

Yeah, JS struggles with getting wider usage in automation, IoT, and corporate in front of Java an C#.

Not sure, if that will be the case in the next 5 years.

Cuz every once in a while, someone comes up with a way flip the things in JS favor, like electron for desktop apps

absinthetized profile image
Matteo Nunziati

Another field where R and Python has a lead over JS is numercial comupations and AI. Well, basically JS has room for improvement on any serverside workload but REST APIs.

absinthetized profile image
Matteo Nunziati
Thread Thread
yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

Very interesting... and the more interesting part is (October 2019)

I think it's waiting for publish 😁

stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

Among all of them, JavaScript is common only on front-end (but you don't really have other choices).

On the back-end, it's used far far less than PHP, C# or Java.

On mobile it's used only as the part of cross-platform development frameworks, and on that field developers are still using Java and Swift more. React Native is a powerful thing, but nothing beats native technologies when it comes to getting best performances of your application.

Regarding the IoT and SmartTV, I can't talk about these two fields but I doubt it has high usage even there (although I think Node could be quite handy for real-time event tracking for example).

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

Absolutely, JavaScript is great, but native is just "greater".

I'm sure the UX is one of the sides JS has been trying to deal with since it started the competition Adobe Flash :D

guitarino profile image

The number of developers doubles every 5 years, and I think the total number of developers in every popular language actually increases over time, but also languages become less popular and eventually the number of developers in those languages might start going down.

arberbr profile image
Arber Braja

Javascript is trending and things that are cool get more attention then the rest of the other programming languages.

So i dont think we are at the point where Javascript is dominating the programming world, at least not yet.

I dont think that languages that have been used for decades will stop getting used because of Javascript. They might stop getting used that much yes but very probably because a better option exists.

Example Go, Rust, F#, etc are newer languages that are competitors with older languages like C++, C# (not an expert on these ones).

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

at least not yet

Yep, at least for now our beloved languages are safe 😆

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

I agree with you that "wide range" has been the selling point of JS, Java, C# and Python, and maybe every trendy lang!

No language that was once mainstream ever truly disappears

Yeah, but in this regards, virtually dead ≃ dead... just like VB.

JavaScript's syntax has room for improvement

I just hope all bad syntax will just go away one day from JS for the sake of having a clean lang.