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The Front end Back end and Me

Before Enrolling at FlatIron I didn't even have a basic understanding g of the client server model. The ability to access vast amounts of information instantly was always a given and I spent little time worrying about the details of how this was accomplished. only after my first few weeks in coding bootcamp did I finally start to understand the basic principles that the foundation of the internet is built on.

The front end was what I assumed to be the most useful. Its what the users sees. This keeps things nice and organized and readable. The best thing about the front end is the immediate gratification you receive when you are working on it. The importance of the front end is to make a simple and clean interface that helps get useful information as fast as possible. The common language that the internet reads for the front end is JavaScript. Once you have the elements and components that the user will need to interact with you front end you can decorate the site with CSS. The front end is by far the prettier side of the process but a good front end it nothing without a good back end.

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The back end while not as interactive and colorful is still a vital part of getting information to a user. In fact it is arguably the most important part since without it the data can not be properly stores organized and displayed. The back end is what holds and manages the data. rather than looking pretty it relies heavily on functionality rather than style. This is important if you want the right data to show up when you call it and its associated data. When the front end calls on the back end the path needs to be well laid out to get the right information to the right place on the screen of the user.

Front end and Back ends are very important elements to making a full stack application. Growing up I never gave much thought to how the information I needed to get got called an displayed on my screen. Now that we have been working on the various languages and methods that we use to get information from the back end to the front end I have a much fuller understanding of the client server model.

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