Ever wondered why React is split into two packages? Let's explore the architecture behind React and React DOM!
When you start a React project, you always install two packages:
"dependencies": {
"react": "^19.0.0",
"react-dom": "^19.0.0"
This separation isn't random - it's a deliberate architectural choice that makes React so versatile. At its core:
- 'react' is the brain: it handles component logic, state management, and element creation
- 'react-dom' is the hands: it does all the browser work, turning React's instructions into actual DOM operations
What's fascinating is that the 'react' package can work completely independently. You don't even need JSX or react-dom to create React elements! Here's a pure JavaScript example:
const { createElement } = React;
function Welcome() {
return createElement(
'Hello React!'
Though let's be honest, most of us prefer the more readable JSX version π:
function Welcome() {
return (
Hello React!
In our complete guide, we explore:
- The specific roles of each package
- How this separation enables React's "Learn Once, Write Anywhere" philosophy
- Why you can use React without react-dom
- Practical examples of React without transpilation
Ready to understand React's architecture better? Read the full article here: https://www.56kode.com/posts/level-up-react-react-and-react-dom-architecture/
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