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AbdelRahman Hussein Mahmoud
AbdelRahman Hussein Mahmoud

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Deno Vs Node

Deno & Node

Deno and Node both of them are a runtime environment for javascript that is developed by Ryan Dah and both of them build on V8 engine that is used by Chrome.
Deno first introduced in 2018 as Initial release by Ryan.

What is the difference between Deno & Node?

  • Deno uses ES modules so there will be no usage for require() in the future.
  • there is no NPM and package.json you can import you js modules as a file path or URL like the browser.
  • support for typescript out of box.
  • Deno requires explicit permissions for file, network, and environment access.
  • Browser compatibility, you can run the same script in the browser and Deno(if you are not using the global object).

Is Deno going to replace Node?

in my opinion and according to Ryan, No it will not,
and I think in the soon future there will be a lot of frameworks that support Deno, for example, there will be express for Deno also

you can find more in Deno website

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