DEV Community

What I've learnt in 1 month of programming

CamiKuro.js on September 27, 2023

My journey has been a radical transformation from someone who knew absolutely nothing about this area to someone with a solid foundation, and I'm e...
barrymichaeldoyle profile image
Barry Michael Doyle

Nice work, You sound like you're developing quite a broad set of skills which isn't a bad thing!

If you do decide to looking for jobs, I'd recommend you pick a single discipline that you really enjoy out of everything you've done so far and double down on that focus. This will help set you apart and you also won't be shooting in the dark for opportunities.

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

Looks like you are on the right path!! 🎉🎉

Although most of us survive on the web, I think important also for you to explore programming independently of the language in this beginning. Give your self some play time as well to write for example a simple command line program in JS that uses simple concepts; then try for example do it in python, or another language you may have interesting into. Using Linux mean you you also have pretty much any language at your disposal to try out, even dotnet and Swift.

Play around and be flexible, Focus on web to land a job in the industry, and later on you can change to whatever you want. The important thing is to always be learning 😁

cherryramatis profile image
Cherry Ramatis

Really nice progress! It’s awesome to see such inspiring stories

Hope to see more progress from you

tensorprogramming profile image
Tensor-Programming • Edited

Pretty solid article and effort. Always great to hear the journeys of new devs and how they decided to enter the industry. Even 25+ years into it, I'm still constantly learning new stuff which is why I love this industry.

While the web is ubiquitous and probably the easiest entry point for a new dev, I'd highly recommend trying to decouple your skills from it by experimenting with a few other domains once you've got your bearings. Even if it's just mobile or desktop development it's absolutely worth it.

bytebricks profile image

Great progress, yet most of things will need you to be very good at 1 set of skills, we would advice you to go full stack, yet pick 1 thing to master on backend and 1 thing on frontend, either for good job opportunity or to build your own at we use Javascript (Node.js & Vue Js) and PHP (Laravel) primarly, that gets covered even by 1 developer with no problem

oteacherjoao profile image
Teacher João da He4rt

There will always be people that will try to put you down hiding behind a "criticism mask". Truth is, only you know the effort you've been putting into learning and becoming each time more proficient on this. This was such a pleasant read, and I hope you keep sharing your progress with the community.

johnwritescode_ profile image
ツ John

awesome progress so far!
enjoy the process because the learning never stops in this field lol

fransborges profile image
Fran Borges

Nice article Cami, congratulations on your dedication and progress ✨✨

mels profile image
Melina Schneider

loved to see your progress! thank you for sharing it with us! <3

nandosts profile image
Fernando Melo • Edited

Speak her!! (Fala delaa)

gcasa profile image
Gregory Casamento

Really great article. I loved the progress you made. Welcome!!!

fr_jess profile image

Congrats for the new journey! It's really interesting to read about what you have learn and I hope you will continue to share!

dannyengelman profile image
Danny Engelman

Programming is soo 2022
All you have to learn are concepts, and ChatGPT will do the work

gcasa profile image
Gregory Casamento

ChatGPT makes far too many mistakes to be a replacement for a professional developer. A tool most certainly. What to watch out for is what is coming 5-10 years from now.

dannyengelman profile image
Danny Engelman

She is a junior in my team, already does 50% ofmy work

john79_ profile image
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danielhe4rt profile image
Daniel Reis

Just let the girl write her stuff, dude. We know she's a beginner and she's just trying to put into words what she's learned in this first month. WE KNOW she's not a master at anything.


john79_ profile image

Internet, this public square where everybody can say anything out loud... and it seems like I can't even complain or give a wake up call.

oteacherjoao profile image
Teacher João da He4rt

You must be a miserable human being for wasting your time writing such a comment. Either that or you have no idea of what figurative language or what a hyperbole is.

ricsti profile image
Ric Sti

Respect. You really mean it. One can read that between the lines. All the best. You will make it. Def.

gulshan212 profile image
Gulshan Negi

Thanks a lot for sharing it here with us.
Well, one thing that I will also prefer that is understanding of logics and keeping focus on basics and fundamentals of programming that help in learning any programming languages.

I prefer and follow this concept.

bahner profile image
Lars Bahner

Busy month, much? 😆

iexa profile image
iexa • Edited

I would not recommend meteor.js though. It is printed on your profile, almost no one uses it. Learn react/next.js or if you want it easier vue/nuxt.js.

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