DEV Community

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Deploying Your First Static Website to IPFS

agentofuser on May 12, 2019

This is going to be like the quickest tutorial ever. Underwhelming almost. You don't need to know anything about IPFS or distributed nothing, not ...
bmann profile image
Boris Mann

Amazing write up, thank you! This was pretty much our idea for a sample app so very happy to see you’ve done this. We’ll make a PR when our API is up and ready.

The “even free-er” tier is a good idea, will see what we can do.

Totally down for 🥌

ubuntupunk profile image
ubuntupunk • Edited

error pull-to-stream@0.1.1: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=10". Got "8.10.0"
error Found incompatible module.

UPDATE: had to
nvm install 12.10.0

to update node.js

needhelpjal profile image

Hi - I take it you are using bash - I tried your terminal code in win10 cmd and - = enter (Bash code 1 = mkdir -p dwebsite/public ) ( win10 cmd = ) mkdir dwebsite - cd dwebsite - mkdir public - ( Bash code 2 = echo "

Hello, World! From SUPER-GRAND-AD

> public/index.html ) No Changes required for bash code 2 ( I did ad From SUPER-GRAND-AD ) ( bash code 3 = yarn global add @agenttofuser/ipfs-deploy ) did not work I am now stuck - any help - Also here is a 8080 link that will only work when my daemon is on because it is not a public file if you facebook PM me john.lovatt.524 - I will switch on my daemon -
agentofuser profile image

Hi there, thanks for trying it out :) With the yarn global add command, what error message did you get? Do you have nodejs and yarn installed?

needhelpjal profile image
needhelpjal • Edited

Hi Helder - Me - I am the Complete Beginner - Please do not think I am having a go at you - But - Do I have nodejs and yarn installed? - No - Because your guide said - You don't need to know anything about IPFS or distributed nothing, not even static site generators. And no mention of having to install anything or how to install them? or what a terminal is and the app that you use in that said terminal? So there is a big bit missing for the Complete Beginner that is using win10 & MSDOS. Yes I do have ubuntu installed on another laptop only installed some months ago so I am still a compleat beginner in Linux - But if You are a teacher that welcomes construtive miss understanding as a cry for help, may be, we can help IPFS and Linux gather more users - as it is very bewildering after a Microsoft brain washed users like myself trys to break free. So please use me as your beata tester for your Guides