DEV Community

Agik Setiawan
Agik Setiawan

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NextSeo not updated when inspect source code using dynamic Meta data and using external API

Hello, I will share my problem and how I found solution with my Next JS project when i using dynamic Meta Data from external API using GraphQL(Apollo Client).

When i use "useQuery" from apollo client it does not working when using SEO or when i share URL in to Social media like Facebook, Linkedin.

Solution is using "getInitialProps" with async method and Hit API from getInitialProps.

const DetailBlogPage: NextPage = ({ data }: any) => {

    return (
                    type: 'website',
                    locale: 'id_ID',
                    url: `${data.articles[0].slug}`,
                    site_name: '',
                    images: [
                        { url: `${data.articles[0]}` },
                <DetailBlog data={data} />

DetailBlogPage.getInitialProps = async ({ query }) => {
    // do the data fetching here
    const { slug } = query;

    const errorLink = onError(({ graphqlErrors, networkError }: any) => {
        if (graphqlErrors) {
  { message, location, path }: any) => {


    const portfolioLink = from([
        new HttpLink({ uri: ""}),

    const client = new ApolloClient({
        cache: new InMemoryCache({
            addTypename: false
        link: portfolioLink,

    const { data } = await client.query({
        query: GET_DETAIL_BLOG,
        variables: {

    return { data: data };
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