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Some Powerful Js One-liners

Javascript is one of the most powerful language in this modern world.In this article we will go through some of the useful js one-liners.

Remove Duplicates in an Array.

const array = [12, 23, 54, 69, 4, 12, 23];
console.log(array); // [12, 23, 54, 69, 4, 12, 23]
const RemoveDuplicates = (arr) => [ Set(arr)];
console.log(RemoveDuplicates(array)); // [12, 23, 54, 69, 4]
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Generate a random Id

const randomId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
console.log(randomId); // ituzp41cq08
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shuffle an Array

const alpha = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"];
console.log(alpha); // ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
console.log(alpha.slice().sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5)); // ["B", "A", "C", "E", "F", "D"]
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Swapping two variables

let a = 10;
let b = 5;
console.log(a, b); // 10 5

[a, b] = [b, a];
console.log(a, b); // 5 10
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Assign Multiple variables

let [x, y, z, w] = [4, 0.5, "Ajith", ["a", "b"]];
console.log(x, y, z, w); //4 0.5 "Ajith"  ["a", "b"]
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Reverse a String

const reverseString = (arr) => arr.split("").reverse().join("");
console.log(reverseString("I love to code in javascript")); //tpircsavaj ni edoc ot evol I
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Merge multiple arrays

const languages = ["js", "c", "go", "java"];
const frameworks = ["react", "angular", "ruby on rails", "larvel"];
const combined = languages.concat(frameworks);
console.log(combined); //["js", "c", "go", "java", "react", "angular", "ruby on rails", "larvel"]
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Do like and save this post for future reference 🚀💯

Oldest comments (5)

m90 profile image
Frederik Ring

Nice post. Be aware that shuffling an Array like this is not perfectly random and a proper implementation is a little more complicated:

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen

Very interesting, I hadn't considered how using sort like that could end up with an infinite loop!

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen • Edited

In case anyone is interested, I plotted the distributions for the Math.random() - 0.5 and the Fisher-Yates shuffles.

Chart of shuffle using Math.random() - 0.5. Shows clearly uneven distribution

Chart of Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm. Shows a distribution much closer to even

That's 100000 shuffles of abcd for each algorithm.

yj445649862 profile image

nice job man

fahim525 profile image
Fahim Ahmed

Awesome thanks