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Alexander Shalav
Alexander Shalav

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Breaking Out of the MERN Stack: Other Web Dev Options

In this post, we’re going to check out some cool alternatives to the MERN stack for full-stack web development. Don’t worry, you don’t need a ton of technical knowledge to follow along—this is just a starting point for anyone interested in learning about different tech stacks.

So, we’ve talked a lot about using JavaScript for web development, especially with the MERN stack (which stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). It’s pretty popular and super solid, but it’s not the only game in town. Today, we’re going to explore a few other stacks that are just as awesome.

Honestly, there’s no right or wrong way to choose a tech stack. You’ve got the freedom to mix and match whatever works best for your project.
Exploring Frameworks & Stacks

Let’s start by looking at some different frameworks and libraries that you can use for development. After that, we’ll talk about how the different parts of your app can use different languages, which opens up even more possibilities.

Of course, we’ve got to start with JavaScript. If you’re familiar with MERN, you already know how useful JavaScript is for full-stack development. But aside from MERN, there are other frameworks like Angular.js, Vue.js, and Svelte.js. You can pair these with Node/Express for a full-stack solution, and you're good to go.

If you’ve heard of the MEAN stack, it’s basically the same as MERN, but it uses Angular.js instead of React for the front-end. If you’re into TypeScript, you’ll be happy to know all these frameworks support it too.

There are tons of other frameworks out there as well. For example, if you want something ready for production, check out Next.js. It’s great for server-side rendering (SSR) and making SEO-friendly websites. It also uses React, so if you’re comfortable with that, you’ll love it.

Another one to check out is React-Remix. It’s kind of like Next.js, but some people say it’s even faster in certain cases.

And for the back-end, Express.js is still the go-to. But if you’re looking for something a little different, give Nest.js a try. It’s built on Node.js and is pretty scalable, but heads up—it’s TypeScript-only.

If you’re more into Java, it’s still going strong. These days, Java Spring is super popular along with Spring Boot and Spring MVC. It’s come a long way from the days of JSPs and Servlets. Plus, it has its own server environment through Apache Tomcat.

When it comes to PHP, the two big frameworks are Laravel and CakePHP. They both use the MVC pattern and are solid for building web applications. If you’re already into PHP, you’ve probably worked with one of these.

If you’re in the C# world, you’ve likely heard of the .NET Framework. It’s developed by Microsoft and can be used for all sorts of applications—from desktop to web apps. It’s a versatile option if you’re building stuff for Windows.

And of course, we can’t forget Python. It’s a super popular language, especially for beginners. Plus, it’s huge in the data science community. For web development, Django is the most common framework, and it’s built using an MVC pattern as well. If you’re diving into Python, Django is definitely worth checking out.
Mix and Match!

One of the coolest things about web development is that you don’t have to stick to just one tech stack. You can mix and match as you see fit. For instance, you can use React.js on the front-end and pair it with Laravel for the back-end.

You can also use either SQL or MongoDB for storing your data, depending on your needs. The possibilities are endless. At the end of the day, the names and frameworks may change, but the basic ideas remain the same. You’ve got the freedom to build things your way (well, as long as your boss agrees, if you’ve got one!).

This isn’t a complete list of every language or framework out there, but hopefully, it gave you a good overview of some of the most popular ones. The beauty of web development is that your options are flexible, and you’re not tied to just one way of doing things.

Hopefully, this post gave you a few new ideas for alternatives to the MERN stack, and maybe it’s inspired you to try something new. Thanks for reading!

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