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Popular web APIs you should know about

Alexandru-Dan Pop on July 22, 2020

It's no secret, APIs are becoming more and more relevant for each software company. It is pretty common that the offering or product of a company i...
octaneinteractive profile image
Wayne Smallman

Weird this article should come up after I did some MailChimp API integration last night.

I'm also using Google's Natural Language API, and the YouTube API, both in Node, and have found both — and the one for MailChimp — to be be simple and straightforward.

alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop

Nice stuff! What are you using the Google's Natural Language API for? Extracting speech as text, or even trying to find out more sophisticated things like sentiment?

I think once you get your hands on a few APIs and use them, they become pretty easy to use.

octaneinteractive profile image
Wayne Smallman • Edited

At the moment, the NLP work is experimental, but the idea is:

  1. user saves a web page;
  2. choses to analyze the page via NLP;
  3. user chooses which entities (and sentiment, at some point) to save.

The entities are saved into a nested object in the document for the web page in Elastic, giving it extra value in terms of its search score, should the search phrase match.

But this is part of something much more ambitious I have in mind for the long-term development of the Under Cloud, assuming I have time to learn Machine Learning!

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alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop

Very cool idea, good luck!

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

I'll add a few more:

  • News API - A Google API that provides you the news from various news media.
  • Whats3Word - Provides you a 3 words location based upon your GPS coordinates which makes it easy to share your location.
alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop

Thanks for the additional resources!

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Glad to help :)

annietaylorchen profile image
Annie Taylor Chen

Interesting I already used some of those...such as Algolia, really awesome but quite expensive 😢 would love to explore some AIs ones in personal projects! Do they have some free tier for developers to play with?

alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop • Edited

Yes! Azure Cognitive services and the Google AI APIs can be used for free to some extent. Not sure of IBM Watson.

mattschwartz profile image
Matthew Schwartz

I run a very specialized API that returns social sentiment of stocks.

elc0mpa profile image
Jose Gabriel Companioni Benitez

I think this is a great article. I recently started working on web apps and I have only used MapBox API, but now I know there are lot of APIs available out there. Thanks a lot

roikra profile image

I'll add another one:
Full access to the world's 3rd largest search engine.

alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop

Haven't tried it to be honest. Do you see a cool use case for it? I think there's already lots of apps leveraging the twitter api for cross-posting or things like that.