I hope everybody has been having a good past few weeks. In this post, I plan on talking about where you guys can begin finding resources for graphics programming.
I had made a few comments from my last post so I figure I would just consolidate it all into one.
So let's begin with the biggest part of learning graphics programming. That is math if you do not have a strong math background. Here are the resources I bought to get started my self.
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition
by Fletcher Dunn
Differential Geometry (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Erwin Kreyszig
Linear Algebra For Dummies
Sterling, Mary Jane
Calculus II For Dummies
Mark Zegarelli
Pre-Calculus For Dummies
Kuang, Yang
Trigonometry For Dummies
Sterling, Mary Jane
Geometry For Dummies
Ryan, Mark
Algebra II For Dummies
Sterling, Mary Jane
Algebra I For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))
Sterling, Mary Jane
Now let's get into where to begin finding resources to begin learning the programming side of things.
Starting with this medium blog post. https://medium.com/vrtigo/resources-for-beginning-graphics-programming-c0da724381bc
Next, as I do not want to make this a list of books check out the image I took here for some of the resources I own for the graphics side of the subject. https://www.instagram.com/p/BgzW64thWn5/?hl=en.
And here are a few extra resources that I own as well.
Graphics: Principles and Practice
John F. Hughes, Morgan McGuire, Andries Van Dam
Kindle Edition
Game Physics
David H. Eberly
Kindle Edition
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Physics for Game Developers: Science, math, and code for realistic effects
David M Bourg, Bryan Bywalec
Kindle Edition
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Ray Tracing: the Next Week (Ray Tracing Minibooks Book 2)
Peter Shirley
Kindle Edition
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Ray Tracing: The Rest Of Your Life (Ray Tracing Minibooks Book 3)
Peter Shirley
Kindle Edition
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Ray Tracing in One Weekend (Ray Tracing Minibooks Book 1)
Peter Shirley
Kindle Edition
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
And then for c++ I have been reading. I have a few other books on c++ but I found this one to be the best one for starting out.
C++ in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself
Siddhartha Rao
Kindle Edition
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Now I also wanted to add in a few people that you may want to follow.
I hope this helps anyone looking to get started on the same path. Feel free to ask me any questions. I can hopefully point you in the right direction. I hope you all have a good week.
Also you can see my latest project here:
gwartney21 / CompleteTheSquare
This program was created to simplify the process of completing the square with quadratics.
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