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What is Programming? A Beginner's Guide to the World of Coding (Day 1 of 100 Days of Python)

The Child and the Computer: Understanding Programming

Entering the world of programming

Have you ever watched a child learn? They start as a "blank canvas," needing guidance to master everyday activities like brushing their teeth or pouring a glass of water. Just as we effortlessly perform these tasks, a computer requires instruction to operate effectively.

The Computer: A Modern Child

Think of a computer as a child—both need components to function. A child has hands, legs, and a brain to learn and grow, while a computer consists of physical components that allow it to perform tasks. (We can explore these computer components in detail another time.)

Just as a child relies on a parent to learn basic skills, a computer depends on a programmer to understand how to execute actions. This skilled individual guides the computer, teaching it how to perform tasks independently in the future.

A child needs an adult (like a mother or father), who knows how to perform the day-to-day activities to be able to teach the child, so that one day they can perform it themselves. Similarly, a computer needs someone who is skilled enough, to tell the computer how to perform an action, in the hopes that the computer will perform it by itself afterwards. The skilled person teaching the computer here is pretty much what a programmer is.

What is a Programmer ?

A child learning to drink water

A programmer is someone who instructs a computer on how to accomplish specific tasks. Let’s return to our earlier analogy: if a mother teaches her child to drink water, she breaks down the process into manageable steps:

  1. Go to the kitchen.
  2. Retrieve a glass.
  3. Go to the water source.
  4. Fill the glass.
  5. Drink the water.
  6. Return the glass to the sink.
  7. Similarly, a programmer outlines a sequence of steps—known as a program—that a computer follows to achieve desired outcomes.

What is a Programming Language

In our example, the mother communicates with her child using gestures or, later, spoken language. For a programmer, a programming language serves the same purpose: it’s a medium for conveying instructions to the computer.

Programming languages feature syntax that resembles English, using words and symbols to communicate effectively. Just as a polyglot speaks multiple languages, a programmer might use several programming languages. One popular choice is Python (the theme of this blog site), which offers a user-friendly way to instruct computers.

Programmer vs Coder vs Developer

The terms coder, programmer, and developer can often confuse newcomers, so let’s clarify:

Coder: Think of a coder as someone who writes code—like a typewriter producing text. This is often considered a beginner’s level.

Programmer: A step beyond, a programmer designs and writes programs, akin to a writer structuring an article.

Developer: The most advanced of the three, a developer oversees the creation of complex programs, similar to an editor-in-chief managing a publication.

The ultimate goal is to evolve into a skilled developer.

Why do we need programming ?

World full of people using computers

Computers are amazing when it comes to getting stuff done fast and without mistakes. Unlike us humans, who sometimes slip up, a good computer program can run almost perfectly. That’s why we use computers for just about everything these days (and yep, you're reading this on one right now!).

If you stop to think about it, the internet as a whole depends on computers and code. Imagine a day without Instagram, Snapchat, or YouTube—sounds terrible, right? Every single website you visit works because of computer programs. Even the browser you're using, like Chrome, Edge, or Safari, is just another computer program. Oh, and the operating system on your phone or laptop? That’s code too!

Computers aren’t just in our homes and pockets either. Hospitals, businesses, and even the military rely on them. Fun fact: some missiles even have tiny computers inside them, running special programs. Oh, and did you know the internet was actually invented for the military before it became what it is today?

So, as long as we keep using computers for everything (which we definitely will), people who write code will always have a job. In short, computers and programming are here to stay!

Looking Ahead.

Since this is our first discussion, I’ll keep it brief for now. In our next blog, we’ll explore the fascinating programs that developers create and their impact on our digital world. Stay tuned!

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