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The most common email validation problems


Email validation can be a little confusing, but it's an important part of your email marketing strategy. Why? Email validation helps ensure that your emails reach the right person and avoid being marked as spam by their inboxes. It also allows you to track how many people are opening and clicking on your messages so that you can make changes to improve them over time.

Not validating your email.

Email validation is the process of confirming that an email address is valid. Email validation helps you determine if an email address is valid, and whether it will be delivered to the intended recipient.

  • A common misconception is that a “no-reply” or invalid email address means that no one can reply to your message. However, this isn't always true—it may sometimes mean that mail sent to this address will bounce back with an error message because it's unknown or not working properly (and you might still get some kind of automated response).

  • If you're sending out emails to a list of contacts and want to ensure that each person receives your communication, make sure all addresses are validated before sending out any messages!

Not tracking and analyzing your results

Tracking and analyzing the results of your emails is critical to growing your business.
This can be done manually or using a tool like Mailchimp. It’s important to keep track of open rates, click rates and unsubscribes so you can identify trends in your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.
For example, if you notice that people are opening most of their emails in the morning but not clicking on them at all, then maybe it’s time to try sending an email at another time of day. If your email validation has shown that people aren’t clicking on certain subject lines or content types, maybe it's time for some adjustments there as well!

Using the wrong email validation tools

Email validation is a complex process. It's not simply a matter of checking whether an email address exists or not—it's also important to check the syntax and make sure that domains are valid, among other things.
You should use the right tool for the job. A general web service like Google Apps will not be able to handle all of these tasks, so don't try it! You need an email validation tool specifically built for this purpose.
If you do decide to use a web service that isn't designed specifically for email validation (such as Google Apps or then make sure it does at least two out of three: checks if an address exists; checks if domains are valid; checks whether domains are syntactically correct (and only do this if there's no way around it).

Not correcting typos in emails

The most common email validation problems are simple typos. Sometimes you hit the wrong button, or maybe you're just so excited about something that your fingers fly over the keyboard without checking to see if everything is spelled correctly.
Don't worry—all hope isn't lost! There are ways to avoid typos in emails and even fix them after they've been sent out.
To prevent these mishaps from happening, try taking a few deep breaths before sending an email out to your coworkers or clients. This will give you time to proofread it and catch any errors before they reach their intended destination. If it's more of an emergency situation (e.g., someone else needs access urgently), try asking someone else for help! A fresh pair of eyes can often spot mistakes that we're too close to see ourselves.
If you do end up sending out an email with spelling or grammar errors, don't panic; there's still hope for redemption! Just send another message apologizing for any mistakes made and stating how much work went into getting the message corrected as soon as possible (eagerly awaiting your response).

Adding yourself to spam lists

  • If you use email validation tools that are not compatible with your email provider, it could result in your emails being filtered as spam.
  • Adding yourself to spam lists is also a common mistake. Even if you’re sending emails through a reputable service, there’s no guarantee that everyone on your mailing list wants to get them.
  • Finally, never send emails to people who have not consented to receive them.

Email validation ensures that your emails reach the right person and can help you improve your open rates and click-through rates

Email validation is important for improving your email marketing performance. Because it's so easy to get an incorrect or outdated email address, the benefits of email validation go beyond just ensuring that messages reach the right person. It can also help you improve your open rates and click-through rates, as well as deliverability and bounce rate.


Don’t let email validation slip away from you. Email validation is an important part of any marketing strategy, and it’s easy to do. You can use APIs or create your own validation rules using regular expressions. If you keep these seven pitfalls in mind when validating emails, you’ll be well on your way to better open and click-through rates!

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