I compiled most frequently asked entity framework interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced dot net developers on Entity framework, architecture, Data Model, Client Data Provider, DB Context, difference between framework, LINQ & SQL etc.
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Q. 1 Most frequently asked entity framework interview questions & answers for freshers do contain this very basic one: What is an Entity framework?
Answer: An Entity Framework is something which specifies the relational mapping of objects. A Framework provides a mechanism to store and access data in the database automatically. It’s a very important concept of MVC model. There are various tools that are based on EF model. One such model is .NET.
Q. 2 What is the reason that one should choose entity framework ?
Answer: An Entity Framework helps the developers or programmers an easy mechanism to access the database without much knowledge of programming or coding.
Q. 3 Is the entity framework an open source project?
Answer: Yes, Entity Framework is an open source and is separated from .NET from the release of 6th version.
Q. 4 Point out the differences in performances while using entity framework and ADO.NET. This is a common question among the Entity Framework Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced.
1) Entity framework is not as fast as ADO.NET.
2) Performance of Entity Framework is not as good as ADO.NET.
3) Entity Framework is easy to use, as accessing database does not involve much coding.

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Q. 5 Mention what are all the components that are present in the Entity Framework architecture.
1) The various components Entity Framework consists of are
2) Entity Data Model (EDM)
3) Object Service
4) ADO.Net Data Provider
5) Entity SQL
6) LINQ to Entities
7) Entity Client Data provider
Q. 6 In what way did the Entity Framework affect the LINQ?
Answer: LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a component of Entity Framework which actually helps the programmers to query the database without creating any stored procedures using a language similar to SQL.
Q. 7 What does lazy loading mean?
Answer: Lazy loading process delays the loading of related objects unless they are not required in the process, It only returns those objects that are required by the user and other related objects are returned when they are needed.
Q. 8 Enlist the Entity Data Model parts.
Answer: Storage model, Conceptual Model, and Mapping are the parts of Entity Model.

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Q. 9 What do Pluralize and Singularize terms mean in Entity Framework context?
Answer: These terms are used as naming conventions for an object. Naming conventions are used for the better understanding and easy differentiation of elements in a program. This can be enabled while adding an EDMX file by selecting an option in the window, which will adhere to singular or plural coding convention.
Q. 10 What is the role of .edmx file in entity framework?
Answer: An EDMX file maintains a graphical view of mapping between the conceptual model, a storage model while declaring the models. This information is used by the ADO.NET entity model designers to render the model graphically. It also consists of all the mapping details of how object maps with SQL tables.
Q. 11 Explain the use of DbContext in entity framework?
Answer: DbContext is an important class in Entity Framework. Other classes that are derived from DbContext are known as context classes. It is used in creating the .edmx file.
Q. 12 What is the use of MSL?
Answer: MSL stands for Mapping Schema Language. It defines a Mapping Layer which connects the entity type definition from CSDL to the metadata definition in the SSDL. It is essential for .NET Classes to know the table structure and its relations.
Q. 13 Are primary and foreign keys supported in Entity Framework?
Answer: Yes. Entity Framework has both primary and foreign keys which can be defined in the database tables and imported or if the database is not set up, they can be created in the data model classes.
Q. 14 What are the properties that Entity Framework has?
Answer: Basically, three types of properties can be defined in Entity Framework. They are Navigational properties, Complex properties, and Scalar properties.
Top comments (4)
Great list! Also check 35 Entity Framework Interview Questions (ANSWERED + .NET Core Updates) For 2020 on FullStack.Cafe
Great Q/A you can also check Entity Framework (EF) Core Interview questions
Q2 and Q3 are the same :)
Thanks! check now corrected :)
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