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Anson Ly
Anson Ly

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Build Serverless Application In AWS


The LinkedIn Learning course "Building a Serverless Application in AWS" by Lucy Wang is an in-depth, hands-on guide designed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge needed to develop and deploy serverless applications using AWS services. The course covers the fundamental concepts of serverless architecture, the benefits of using serverless computing, and detailed instructions on how to utilize various AWS services to create a fully functional serverless application.


One of the primary objectives of the course is to provide a thorough understanding of serverless architecture principles. It explains the significant differences between serverless and traditional server-based applications, highlighting the advantages of serverless computing such as reduced operational overhead, automatic scaling, and cost efficiency. Real-world use cases are presented to illustrate scenarios where serverless architecture can be particularly beneficial.


The project also covers API Gateway, which is used to create RESTful APIs that interface with Lambda functions. Learners are shown how to set up API Gateway, define resources and methods, and secure APIs using authentication and authorization mechanisms. This section is crucial for understanding how to expose serverless applications to the web and handle client requests securely.

Integration with AWS DynamoDB is another essential part of the course. DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that is fully managed and serverless. The course teaches how to design and set up DynamoDB tables, perform CRUD operations, and integrate these operations with Lambda functions. It ensures that learners understand the importance of data modeling and query optimization in DynamoDB to achieve efficient data retrieval and storage.

AWS S3, a service for object storage, is also covered extensively. The course details how to set up S3 buckets, manage data uploads and downloads, and configure event triggers to initiate Lambda functions. Security best practices for S3 buckets are discussed to ensure data protection and compliance with industry standards.

The practical project component of the course involves building a serverless application using the aforementioned AWS services. The application architecture includes API Gateway for API management, AWS Lambda for business logic, DynamoDB for data persistence, and S3 for storage of static assets. This hands-on project enables learners to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world scenario, enhancing their understanding and skills.


Throughout the project, several challenges were encountered and addressed. For instance, initial latency issues with Lambda functions were resolved by optimizing the code and adjusting memory allocation. Ensuring API security was achieved through implementing IAM roles and API Gateway authorization mechanisms. Data consistency in DynamoDB was managed by properly configuring read/write capacity units and handling errors gracefully within Lambda functions.


This project offered by Lucy Wang provided a comprehensive and practical guide to building serverless applications using AWS. It emphasized the importance of hands-on learning, allowing participants to understand and implement key AWS services effectively. By the end of the course, learners were able to deploy robust, scalable, and cost-efficient serverless applications, adhering to best practices in security and performance optimization.

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