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Cover image for Laravel blade directive for money format
Ariel Mejia
Ariel Mejia

Posted on

Laravel blade directive for money format

Create a service provider for custom blade directives:

php artisan make:provider BladeServiceProvider
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Register the new service provider:

In "config/app.php" and add the new blade service provider in "providers" array:

$providers = [
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Add the directive in blade service provider:

Go to "app/Providers/BladeServiceProvider" in the boot method:

    Blade::directive('money', function ($money) {
        return "<?php echo number_format($money, 2); ?>";
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It use the Blade facade, with "directive" method the first argument is the name of the created directive in this case "money", then the second argument is a callback

The "$money" variable that represents the value pass to the directive, then it returns the value formatted using the "number_format" method.

Use the new money directive:

In any blade file:

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I think that this directives are a great place to make some tricky formatting, but if you want to add more logic, maybe a best way to add this is with a model method or an action class.

Thanks for reading.

Top comments (5)

foxbille profile image

Thank you, very useful !!

arielmejiadev profile image
Ariel Mejia

Thanks for the comment!

rodrigoespinozadev profile image
Rodrigo Espinoza

Thank you!

rintoug profile image
Rinto George

Don't forget to clear your view cache

geekfahim profile image
Fahim Ahmed • Edited

Instead of ( return "<?php echo number_format($money, 2); ?>";) this

you can do (return "<?php echo money_format($value); ?>";)

N.B: Ignore the brackets.