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Learning Go by examples: part 5 - Create a Game Boy Advance (GBA) game in Go

Aurélie Vache on August 11, 2021

After created an HTTP REST API server, our first CLI (Command Line Interface) application in Go and our Bot for Discord, what can we do now? What ...
homavand profile image
mohammad babaha

amazing ♥️♥️♥️

gabrielsclimaco profile image
Gabriel Clímaco

I love this

uggla profile image
René Ribaud

It looks really nice on the GBA SP with the "small" screen.
Any plan to extend the game ? A flappy bird clone with Gopher ?
However you should better wait for having something to manage sprites it will be simpler to code and you will be able to add your cute Gopher drawings.
Anyway I agree the other comments, the article is really cool and explains really well all the process. 👍 💎

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Thanks René.
For the moment the support is limited yes but it was very interesting to discover it and to test it.
I know nothing on microcontrollers and I coded a little app, so I'll do my best to try to help to improve the GBA support of TinyGo. But we are stronger together, so I hope that people who know about it will come across this article and can help with adding Sprites, images, sound ... 💪

streamdp profile image
Alexandr Primak

Hello! It is very interesting! I have a suggestion: it will be a little faster to draw a black gopher instead of green, then shift the axis and draw green.

tinyfont.DrawChar(display, &fonts.Regular58pt, *x, *y, 'B', black) // <- clearScreen()
y += 10
tinyfont.DrawChar(display, &fonts.Regular58pt, *x, *y, 'B', green)

robogeek95 profile image
Azeez Lukman

Your Profile is the best i've come accross on thanks for presenting such amazing guides in amazing ways

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Ooooh thanks Azeez! 🥰🥰🥰

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Thanks Julien 🥰

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

This is one of the coolest articles I have ever seen. I have been wanting to get back to making video games for a long time, and Go definitely seems like an option now!

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Thanks! 🥰
As you saw on the article, the support for GAB in TonyGo is limited for the moment but it should awesome to improve it 🙂💪

coreyjs profile image
Corey Schaf

This is fantastic!

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Thanks Corey ♥️

gouz profile image
Sylvain Gougouzian • Edited

very informative!

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Thanks Sylvain :-)