Free SQL Serverless Workshop
On Dec 7th, I'll be hosting an hour workshop teaching you how to analyze NYC Taxi data with Serverless SQL.

You'll learn:
You will learn the technical tools:
- Set up your workspace
- What is serverless SQL
- What is inferring schema automatically and how to do it
- Time series analytics
- Seasonality analytics
- Outlier analytics
- Exploratory data analysis
From NYC Taxi you will learn how to :
In particular, you analyze the New York City (NYC) Taxi dataset that includes:
- Pickup and drop-off dates and times.
- Pick up and drop-off locations.
- Trip distances.
- Itemized fares.
- Rate types.
- Payment types.
- Driver-reported passenger counts.
There's no catch. It's completely free. Just register here and mark your calendar for the upcoming Create: Data event and show up.
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