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Bala Madhusoodhanan
Bala Madhusoodhanan

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Excel-lent News: Copilot Takes Your Data to New Heights

Playing a catchup on the ignite Keynote announcement and one of the cool interesting thing was Co-Pilot to excel.

It's no secret that despite the advancements in powerful analytical systems, the habit of downloading reports and analyzing them in Excel is here to stay. Now, the Copilot on Excel offers an innovative approach to revolutionize how operational teams handle data.

Imagine downloading transactional information directly from your operational systems into Excel. With the new Copilot, you can now prompt Excel using natural language to generate insights based on your key performance indicators (KPIs). No more sifting through endless rows of data—Copilot does the heavy lifting for you!

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But that's just the beginning. When combined with Python for Excel, Copilot empowers you to drive even more impactful insights. Whether you're identifying operational bottlenecks or uncovering new opportunities, this dynamic duo will help you make data-driven decisions with ease.

This is super exciting, and hoping to combining Python with Excel for a comprehensive exploratory data analysis (EDA) that will drive even more impactful insights in future!

Further read:

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