I am using newSingleThreadContext() to create a work and a arch threads. And I get outofmemory exception.
Here is the code : "sampleId" is called everytime we change a parameter and this is implemented to throttle spamming of parameters to a test-library. Where we execute parameters sequentially instead of parallel.
package com.my.app.extension
import com.my.app.datastore.ParamValue
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
suspend fun Flow.waitForTrue(stateFlow: StateFlow): Flow {
return flow {
stateFlow.first { it }
- Sample unique id and only return after a waiting time defined
- @param periodMillis The time we wait to return if we get lots of calls in ms
@param waitMillis The time before next execution in ms
fun Flow>.sampleId(
periodMillis: Long,
waitMillis: Long = 100
): Flow> =
channelFlow {
val hashMap = hashMapOf>>()
var hasBeenActivated = false
var activated = false
var task: Deferred? = null
val mutex = Mutex()fun process() { if (!hasBeenActivated) { hasBeenActivated = true launch(newSingleThreadContext("work")) { while (activated) { delay(periodMillis) mutex.withLock { // hashmap operations. } } hasBeenActivated = false } } } launch(newSingleThreadContext("arch")) { collect { item -> activated = true task?.cancel() task = async { delay(waitMillis) activated = false } mutex.withLock { item.second?.let { // hashmap operations. } } process() } }
I have tried to use different APIs of kotlin-android like newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher(), also used "use" call to free up the resource used like this
val context = newSingleThreadContext("worker")
context.use {
launch(context) {
But for some reason those parameter updates are not sent to the test-library at all.
I need some kind of mechanism where I do not get this outofmemory exception(by releasing threads after each iteration or something) and also the parameter updates are sent to the test-library.
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