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Bearer Engineering for Bearer

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How to configure the imgur API

This guide explains how to configure the Imgur API, using OAuth2.0 for authentication.


  1. Sign in to your imgur account (step 1)
  2. Create a new application (step 2)
  3. Grab your credentials (steps 3)

Step by step

Step 1. Sign in to your imgur account. Imgur use the same account for their main website, as well as the developers portal.


Step 2. Once signed in, open the OAuth application registration form. From there:

  • enter your Application name
  • confirm that the Authorization type is OAuth2 authorization with a callback URL (default option)
  • register a redirect URL to handle the OAuth dance. Use to let Bearer handle the authentication flow on your behalf.
  • provide an email


Step 3. Click save and that's it! Imgur will prompt your API keys right away.


💡 If ever you need to find your credentials again, they are accessible from your account settings.

Video guide

Follow along as we create a new application:

What's next?

You're now all set to build an awesome integration with the Imgur API. To help you get it through easily, here are a few more links:

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