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SQLAlchemy Core in Python: Getting Started


SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

SQLAlchemy is broken down into 2 thing: An object related mapper(ORM) and core. Core focuses on Schema and raw data API whereas ORM is more of APIs that allow you to create a much more robust, domain-centric structure to your code.

Getting Started:

Installation and Setup of the Development Environment :
Download Anaconda

You can then launch Jupyter notebook using Anaconda Navigator.
To open and modify the database by, you can download DB browser for SQLite.

Connecting to the database using Jupyter:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(...)
connection = engine.connect()
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To see if the connection is successful:

query = 'SELECT * FROM users'
results = connect.execute.(query)
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Examples of Querying and Aggregating Data:

from sqlalchemy import *
metadata = MetaData()
heroes_table = Table('heroes', metadata,
                    Column('hero_id', Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True),
                    Column('name', String(20), nullable=False, unique=True),

from sqlalchemy.sql import select
query = select([heroes_table])
results = connection.execute(query)
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query = select([heroes_table]).limit(5)
query = select([heroes_table]).offset(5)
query = select([heroes_table]).order_by(
query = select([heroes_table]).order_by(
query = select([heroes_table]).offset(5).limit(5)
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Using WHERE:

query = select([heroes_table]).where(heroes_table.columns.hero_id > 5)
query = select([heroes_table]).where((heroes_table.columns.hero_id > 5) & (heroes_table.columns.hero_id < 15))
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Using AND

query = select([heroes_table]).where(and_(heroes_table.columns.hero_id > 5, heroes_table.columns.hero_id < 15))
query = select([heroes_table]).where((heroes_table.columns.hero_id < 5) | (heroes_table.columns.hero_id > 15))
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Using OR

query = select([heroes_table]).where(or_(heroes_table.columns.hero_id < 5, heroes_table.columns.hero_id > 15))
query = select([heroes_table]).where( == 'Jade')
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query = select([heroes_table.columns.hero_id]).where( == 'Jade')
query = select([]).where('A%'))
query = select([func.sum(battle_events_table.columns.rubies_gained)])
results = connection.execute(query)
query = select([func.max(battle_events_table.columns.rubies_gained)])
query = select([func.min(battle_events_table.columns.rubies_gained)])
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Examples of Joining multiple tables:


battle_event_types_table = Table('battle_event_types', metadata,
    Column('battle_event_type_id', Integer, nullable=False),
    Column('name', nullable=False),

battle_events_table = Table('battle_events', metadata,
    Column('battle_event_id', Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True),
    Column('battle_participant_id', Integer, ForeignKey('battle_participants.battle_participant_id'), nullable=False),
    Column('battle_event_type_id', Integer, ForeignKey('battle_events.battle_event_id'), nullable=False),
    Column('rubies_gained', Integer, nullable=False),
    Column('timestamp', Integer, nullable=False)

battle_participants_table = Table('battle_participants', metadata,
    Column('battle_participant_id', Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True),
    Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('users.user_id'), nullable=False),
    Column('battle_id', Integer, ForeignKey('battles.battle_id'), nullable=False),
    Column('hero_id', Integer, ForeignKey('heroes.hero_id'), nullable=False)

heroes_table = Table('heroes', metadata,
                    Column('hero_id', Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True),
                    Column('name', String(20), nullable=False, unique=True),

join = battle_participants_table\
    .join(heroes_table, \
         battle_participants_table.columns.hero_id == heroes_table.columns.hero_id)\
    .join(battle_events_table, \
         battle_participants_table.columns.battle_participant_id == battle_events_table.columns.battle_participant_id)\
    .join(battle_event_types_table, \
         battle_events_table.columns.battle_event_type_id == battle_event_types_table.columns.battle_event_type_id)

query = select([,
    .where( == 'HERO_KILL')\

results = connection.execute(query)
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