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Bhuvana KA
Bhuvana KA

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Snowflake Connector for Python using environment variables

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This blog goes through the steps to connect to Snowflake from your Python applications securely using environment variables. We all know that hardcoding login credentials is very bad and it should be avoided at all costs. Hardcoded credentials give cyber attackers and hackers an easy way in.Let us see how we can use the environment variables to securely pass the login credentials in this blog in detail.

What is an Environment variable ?

An environment variable is a variable set outside of the program usually through the functionality built into the operating system. Basically an environment variable is a key-value pair (outside of your program) that resides in your local system. A .env file basically contains all the environment variables.

Basic Usage:

Create a .env file at the root of the project.
├── venv
├── .env

Pop your sensitive snowflake credentials into this file as shown below.
NOTE : .env file should be ignored using .gitignore file when you are using git for version control. More information on how to do this is given below.

SF_ACCOUNT = <'snowflake_account_name'>
SF_USER = <'snowflake_username'>
SF_WAREHOUSE = <'warehouse_name'>
SF_DATABASE = <'database_name'>
SF_SCHEMA = <'schema_name'>
SF_PASSWORD = <'snoflake_password'>

Using dotenv in our python program:

Reading environment variables is very easy using the package — python-dotenv. To install, run the command — pip install python-dotenv
To load the environment variables, open a file name and type the following commands as shown in the image.

import os
from os.path import join, dirname
from dotenv import load_dotenv

dotenv_path = join(dirname(file), '.env')

Get the credentials from .env

SF_ACCOUNT = os.getenv('SF_ACCOUNT')
SF_USER = os.getenv('SF_USER')
SF_SCHEMA = os.getenv('SF_SCHEMA')

Snowflake connector for python:

Snowflake connector for python is available in PyPI. To install the connector, execute the following command:
pip install — upgrade snowflake-connector-python
(The Snowflake connector for Python requires Python 2.7.9 (or higher) or 3.5.0 (or higher))

import snowflake.connector

fire up an instance of a snowflake connection

connection = snowflake.connector.connect (
account = SF_ACCOUNT,
user = SF_USER,
password = SF_PASSWORD,
warehouse = SF_WAREHOUSE,
database = SF_DATABASE,
schema = SF_SCHEMA

Connecting to Snowflake:

Import the snowflake.connector module using the command — import snowflake.connector. You can connect to Snowflake with the required login parameters using the the Default Authenticator. We have securely passed our credentials using .env file. We are ready to Create table in our database. The sample code creates a table test_table with two columns — col1 integer and col2 string.

cs = connection.cursor()

"test_table_1(col1 integer, col2 string)")

except Exception as e:
raise e


We have established a connection securely with our Snowflake account using the connector for python.

.gitignore for git

If you are using git for version control, you should ignore this .env file in .gitignore file . Create a .gitignore file at the root of the project.
├── venv
├── .env
├── .gitignore

Add the following lines in .gitignore to avoid the venv, .env files in your git repository.

Please refer for code.

Top comments (1)

shreya123 profile image

This article is a real game-changer for Python developers working with Snowflake! 🐍❄️

Managing credentials and configuration in a secure and scalable manner is a top priority in the world of data engineering, and your guide on using environment variables with the Snowflake Connector is incredibly practical and timely.

The step-by-step instructions and code examples make it easy to follow, even for those who might be new to this approach. It's reassuring to see a focus on security, as using environment variables is a best practice for keeping sensitive data like database credentials safe.

Your emphasis on keeping configurations separate from the code is excellent advice. It not only enhances security but also simplifies maintenance and ensures that credentials can be updated without altering the codebase.

The use of Python's os module to access environment variables is a neat and elegant solution, and I appreciate that you've showcased this in your article.

In today's era of cloud-based data warehousing, Snowflake is gaining prominence, and connecting it seamlessly with Python is a valuable skill. Your article equips developers with the knowledge and tools needed to do just that, and I'm sure it will be a go-to resource for many.

In conclusion, thank you for sharing this informative and well-explained guide. It's a valuable contribution to the Python and data engineering communities, and I look forward to reading more of your insights in the future!