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Creating a JSON API with Athena & Granite

Blacksmoke16 on February 27, 2019

UPDATE: April 22, 2019 for Athena version 0.6.0 UPDATE: November 24, 2019 for Athena version 0.7.0 and Crystal 0.31.1 UPDATE: February 7, 2020 for ...
phangs profile image
phangs • Edited

I tried following this tutorial to learn about crystal and api. I am newbie programmer btw.

Following the steps manually and cloning the github source yield the same error:

In src/

2 | Granite::Adapters <<{name: "my_blog", url: "postgres://dbadmin:password@localhost:5432/blog?currentSchema=blog"})
Error: undefined constant Granite::Adapters

Did you mean 'Granite::Adapter'?

can you please help what I am doing wrong?

blacksmoke16 profile image

This is a result of some breaking changes that happened in the new Granite version. See

I'll update the guide to reflect those changes.

phangs profile image

Thank you! Looking forward to the update

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blacksmoke16 profile image

Should be good to go now, let me know if you run into any trouble.

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phangs profile image

tried the source again from the repo, new error:

Athena::Routing::Converters::Athena::Routing::Converters::RequestBody(Blog::Models::Article, Nil).new.convert val
Error: undefined constant Athena::Routing::Converters::Athena::Routing::Converters::RequestBody

I'm still figuring out the problem just would like to let you know.

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blacksmoke16 profile image

Make sure you do a shards update I updated some dependencies and pinned the versions so it'll always use the correct version.

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phangs profile image

tried again with the shards update. I still couldn't figure out. sorry, I am new to programming, I am a business analyst, and was thinking I could grow with crystal as my realy programming language that's why I am trying to learn it.

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phangs profile image

@routes.add "/POST/user", RouteAction(

846 | # Map Nil return type to Noop to avoid
847 | Proc(HTTP::Server::Context, Hash(String, String?), Blog::Models::User), Athena::Routing::Renderers::JSONRenderer, Blog::Controllers::UserController)
848 | .new(
849 | __temp_647,
850 |"/POST/user", nil),
851 |[] of CallbackBase, [] of CallbackBase),
852 | "new_user",
853 | ["default"],
854 | [Athena::Routing::Parameters::BodyParameter(Blog::Models::User).new("body")] of Athena::Routing::Parameters::Param
855 | )

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blacksmoke16 profile image

what's the actual error you're getting? Should be towards the very bottom.

I ran through the tutorial on crystal 0.31.1 and everything was fine, so also make sure that's up to date.

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phangs profile image
phangs • Edited

`wilbert@wilbert-UX360CAK:~/Documents/Development/crystal/athena-blog-tutorial$ crystal ./src/
Showing last frame. Use --error-trace for full trace.

There was a problem expanding macro 'macro_140521444230352'

Code in lib/athena/src/routing/handlers/

19 | {% for klass in Athena::Routing::Controller.all_subclasses %}
Called macro defined in lib/athena/src/routing/handlers/

19 | {% for klass in Athena::Routing::Controller.all_subclasses %}

Which expanded to:

140 | arr << if val = vals[key]?
141 |

142 | Athena::Routing::Converters::Athena::Routing::Converters::RequestBody(Blog::Models::Article, Nil).new.convert val
Error: undefined constant Athena::Routing::Converters::Athena::Routing::Converters::RequestBody

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blacksmoke16 profile image

Ahhh I figured it out. Apparently shards update doesn't actually update the directory in ./lib, thus my version locally was still using the older Athena version. I'll push a fix right now.

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phangs profile image

that's great! thank you very much. I will check in a bit and clone the project again.

I really appreciate your help

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phangs profile image

Code is now running, just noticed:

  1. After cloning, user must create the logs/development.log directory and file. The code will look for it and will not compile it does not exist.

  2. Was not yet able to find the problem when send post request to localhost:8888/user, error in logs is:
    [2019-11-25T05:37:51.194843000Z] main.CRITICAL: Unhandled exception: relation "users" does not exist in Blog::Controllers::UserController at src/controllers/ {"cause":null,"cause_class":"Nil"}

I will try later to figure this out

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blacksmoke16 profile image

Thanks, I pushed a fix for #1. The other error would be because Granite can't find a table called users in the database you're connected to. Be sure you ran the few SQL scripts I've included if you're using PG. Otherwise, be sure you create tables in your DB of choice.