I am not sure when to end up the project, currently, I feel confused about what to start, To be short, I NEED HELP NOW!
I have my database enough, I researched for a year to be a front-end engineer by myself, as a result, I got overwhelmed by my research. It happens, right?
I have no one to ask in the face! There are several professional developers in my country, The essence is communication between seniors and juniors, I need a social interaction during the time of social distance movement! :D
1. How do you think of 'clone coding' to learn vanilla JavaScript?
- My previous mentor disagree with learning the web development through clone coding, I guess that affects me, on the other hand, it could be practical learning to see the whole process and I was thinking to apply to my project
2. If that is not useful, Do I need to start over studying math to write an algorithm in order? How many algorithm problems did you solve in the beginning if that is okay to ask you for? I solved less than 10 problems.
I got the hints from the last experience at Bootcamp, I have no plan to rush this time. My energy is now limited.
3. Here are the things I figured out!
- Do some vanilla JS clone coding to learn JS Grammer practically
- Move on Algorithm problems
- Make the vanilla Javascript
The main purpose is leveling up from the beginner to Intermediate level!
4. Does it necessary to have a code review or looking for a mentor again?
I know that taking an action is more than important to get the advice, in my experience, I went to the other way of putting my energy, I have to be conscious of what to do this time to complete my front-end development project! Thanks for reading, Stay Safe and Happy Coding!
Top comments (6)
I'm not sure what you mean by "clone coding". Care to elaborate?
Problem-solving is all about practice. It takes a lot of time and practice to get better at it. Programming by itself doesn't require much pure math knowledge, it is mostly just logical thinking. I don't remember how many problems I did when I was first starting out, I did a few on sites like Hackerrank and Codewars. But even if I did remember how many it wouldn't matter much. People learn at different speeds and it's hard to compare skill.
A mentor is not necessary at all. Many people have learned programming all by themselves. Although a mentor can be nice to have. While I'm not self-taught, I learned to program in university, I still had a mentor during the first few months. He was a senior student at the university and he taught me a lot. The way we did code review was that I would do a small project, finish it by myself. If I was completely stuck I would ask for help. And then when it was done I sent him my code and he looked through it. Then we met up (either at school or voice call) and we went through the code together and he suggested ways to improve it or make it cleaner. If we did it over voice call I would share the code using VSCode LiveShare so both could edit the files.
Frontend or backend, whatever you find more fun/interesting. I have tried both and I very quickly realized that I did not like frontend, mainly because I don't like designing and making things look good. Data structures and algorithms are probably more common on the backend, but they have their uses on the frontend as well.
The clone coding is about copying one's project and learn how to use the program as a result as far as I understood! I haven't tried yet, due to lacks of efficiency to invest my time
Hello 👋 first you need to decide what you wana do, you want a frontend job or a backend job ? Then you should focus on what you would be doing in that job, algoriths is good for practing the language but is not what people do their day to day work
Thanks for the comment!
Hey! It’s great that you want to become a FE dev! Don’t be stressed out by a lot of things, you will learn them over time. Start small. Make it work. Improve.
That's true, I think I was overly influenced by my first experience, your suggestion got me inspired, especially about vanilla JS, I was thinking that is the fundamentals that I have to know everything like an alphabet! I guess it really depends on the person, Thank you so much for your comment! :D