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Git Cheat Sheet: A Quick Reference Guide

$ git config --global "Your Name"
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Assign Your Email

$ git config --global
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Initialize Git in Your Folder

$ git init
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Show Git Status

$ git status
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Basic Commands

Add File to Staging Area

$ git add index.html
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Commit File

$ git commit
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Commit with Message

$ git commit -m "Added more HTMLs"
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Send All Files to Staging Area

$ git add -A
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Recover File or Match Last Commit

$ git checkout index.html
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Recover All Files

$ git checkout -f
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Viewing Commits

View Commit Log

$ git log
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Filter Commit Log

$ git log -p (number of commits)
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Working Tree and Staging Area

$ git diff
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Compare Last Commit to Staging Area

$ git diff --staged
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Advanced Committing

Commit All Files Directly

$ git commit -a -m "Skipped staging area and fixed"
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Remove File from Directory and Staging Area

$ git rm about.html
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Remove File from Staging Area

$ git rm --cached about.html
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Show Staging and Working Tree Status

$ git status -s
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Remote Repositories

Add Remote Repo (Origin)

$ git remote add origin
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Get Remote Repo Links

$ git remote -v
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Push to Remote Repo (Origin - Master Branch)

$ git push origin master
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Change Remote Repo URL

$ git remote set-url origin
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Push to Remote Repo with Default Branch Set

$ git push -u origin master
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Clone a Repository

$ git clone {url}
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Create a New Branch

$ git branch feature1
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Show All Branches

$ git branch
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Switch Branch

$ git checkout feature1
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Merge Branch to Master

$ git merge feature1
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Create and Switch to a New Branch

$ git checkout -b htmlcodes
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Git Ignore

Create a .gitignore file in your directory to specify files you want to ignore in the repository.

For example:

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Remember to add and commit the .gitignore file to your repository.

Branching Note

The master branch is typically considered the main branch.

This cheat sheet covers essential Git commands, but feel free to explore more features and options in the official Git cheatsheet. Happy coding!

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