DEV Community

Shlok Madhekar
Shlok Madhekar

Posted on


Some info

I'm Shlok(Known as C9DN online). I'm a programmer who's also going to be making a blog.

I'm not the best with grammer rules. While I do try to check my work before publishing, I make mistakes. If you notice something, please comment letting me know, so I can fix this issue.

This is a coding blog is a coding website, and I'm a programmer. This blog will be focused on programming, and will generally avoid other stuff.

This also means I'll be using programming notation like:

print('hello world')
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


I try to work on a schedule. I'll be posting every Sunday at 3:30PM.

A bit of a warning

I tend to "yap" a lot. I'll attempt to keep things short and to the point in these blog posts, but I cannot guarantee that will happen.

Also, this blog may go into some complicated topics. If you have any questions, let me know.

Lastly, Be kind. These comments are a safe space to learn. Avoid disrespect.

Constructive Criticism is great, but criticise ideas, not people

I guess that's all. I'll see you all next week. Till then, stay safe.

Make sure to follow me so you know right when I post

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