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Bhaskar Sharma
Bhaskar Sharma

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A* Algorithm


In the realm of artificial intelligence and computer science, few algorithms stand as prominently as the A* algorithm. Whether it's guiding robots through a cluttered environment, optimizing delivery routes, or finding the shortest path in a digital game, the A* algorithm has proven its mettle as an essential tool for solving pathfinding problems efficiently and intelligently. This blog post aims to demystify the inner workings of the A* algorithm, shedding light on its principles, advantages, and real-world applications.

Development of A*

Developed by computer scientist Peter Hart, Nils Nilsson, and Bertram Raphael in 1968, the A* algorithm was born out of the desire to enhance Dijkstra's algorithm by introducing heuristics. Dijkstra's algorithm, while effective, lacks the ability to consider the estimated cost to reach the destination from a given point. This shortcoming led to the inception of A*, which artfully blends the strengths of Dijkstra's algorithm and greedy best-first search.

Algorithm Breakdown

The A* algorithm is best understood as a systematic process for traversing graphs or grids to identify the shortest path from a starting point to a goal. At its core, A* maintains two lists: the Open List and the Closed List. The Open List contains nodes yet to be evaluated, while the Closed List holds nodes that have already been processed.

The algorithm's efficiency and effectiveness hinge on the use of a heuristic function, denoted as 'h(n)', which estimates the cost from a given node to the goal. Combining this heuristic with the actual cost of reaching the current node, 'g(n)', allows A* to make intelligent decisions about which nodes to explore next. The key insight is the evaluation function 'f(n) = g(n) + h(n)', where nodes with lower 'f(n)' values are prioritized for exploration.


As A* navigates through the graph or grid, it follows a series of steps:

  1. Initialize the Open List with the starting node.
  2. While the Open List is not empty: a. Choose the node with the lowest 'f(n)' value from the Open List. b. If the chosen node is the goal, the path has been found. c. Otherwise, move the chosen node to the Closed List. d. For each neighboring node not in the Closed List: i. Calculate its 'g(n)' value. ii. If the node is not in the Open List, add it with its 'f(n)' value. iii. If the node is already in the Open List, update its 'f(n)' value if the new 'g(n)' value is lower.
  3. If the Open List becomes empty before reaching the goal, no path exists.

Why A*

The A* algorithm's beauty lies in its ability to strike a balance between exhaustiveness and efficiency. By utilizing the heuristic function, A* makes informed decisions about which paths to explore first, which drastically reduces the search space compared to algorithms like Dijkstra's.

The performance of A* is directly influenced by the quality of the heuristic function. A good heuristic function must be admissible (never overestimates the true cost) and consistent (satisfies the triangle inequality). Finding the right heuristic can significantly improve A*'s efficiency, making it even more powerful in real-world scenarios.

Applications in the Real World

The A* algorithm finds applications in diverse fields, ranging from robotics to gaming and logistics. It's used in autonomous vehicles for route planning, ensuring safe and efficient navigation through complex urban environments. In video games, A* creates realistic NPC movement and helps characters navigate terrains intelligently. Logistics companies employ A* to optimize delivery routes, saving time, fuel, and resources.

To use A* algorithm in a graph database you can use PostgreSQL's extension Apache AGE: -
More about apache age here:
Github here:
To implement A* algorithms in Apache AGE, you can use drivers given here and use AGE with programming languages such as python.:

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