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Simon Pfeiffer for Codesphere Inc.

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How to create reusable HTML snippets for using Figma Dev Mode

How to create reusable HTML snippets for using Figma Dev Mode

Figma just launched a number of new features, including variables, better prototyping and an all new dev mode that helps designers translate their work into code much faster.

We have been wanting to create reusable marketing snippets for our blog for a while and decided to finally make it happen, using the Figma Dev Mode.

In this article, I will go over how I created our snippet design in Figma, translated it over to HTML and CSS and implemented it into our blog.

Let's jump right into it!

Setting up the Design

For this first iteration, my goal was to design a simple marketing component that fits the Codesphere CI and can be implemented into any Blog article.

I started out creating the design in Figma. This was pretty straight forward and standard. To make sure the design would be responsive, I utilized Figmas Auto Layouts for all frame elements which would turn into divs when implementing the design in HTML. I also made sure to use as few height and width properties as possible to have the elements scale according to the space available to them.

I then created a second frame and adapted the design for mobile screens, essentially only changing the Auto Layout direction of the main container from horizontal to vertical.

How to create reusable HTML snippets for using Figma Dev Mode

Implementing the design in HTML

To implement the design into HTML, I was finally able to make use of the new Dev Mode which shows the CSS properties of each element. This makes it possible to just copy and paste the values, streamlining the process of layouting and styling your HTML elements.

Unfortunately, Dev Mode doesn't export the HTML structure yet, so wou will have to write that by yourself, utilizing the values provided by Figma to create your stylesheet.

How to create reusable HTML snippets for using Figma Dev Mode

From my perspective, the new Dev Mode is great to get your designs off the ground and getting close to your desired output. Finalizing the components however, will require you to write some CSS and HTML yourself.

This means you definitely should know your way around HTML and CSS to finish up your designs!

Nonetheless, utilizing the property values provided by Figma, made it super fast to set up the element. You can take a look at it here.

This is the code I ended up with:

@import "";

:root {
  font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif;

@supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
  :root {
    font-family: 'Inter var', sans-serif;

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Implementing the snippet in

Implementing the snippet in is super easy as well.

You just create a new HTML snippet element and paste in your finished code. Then, you simply hover over your snippet, click the button that looks like a post it which allows you to create a reusable HTML snippet and define a name. You will then find your snippet on the bottom of the list when creating a new block in

Creating a reusable snippet in

This now left us with this beautiful reusable (and responsive) component (which unfortunately can't be rendered here on

Our ready made component

Styling issues in

One thing to note though is the implementation of the styling.

Usually, stylesheets are inserted into the head of the page. If you are only publishing your articles on a blog page, you can insert code in the head of either your global blog site or only the specific article page. Depending on how and where you want to use the snippet, inserting the code for your whole site is arguably the most convenient way. With a rising amount of snippets however, this will have the clients loading many styletags for unused components. In this case it would probably be better to insert the styletags per article.

To be able to transfer your snippets to a self hosted blog site, as well as avoiding the issue of either having to load all styletags globally or having to manually insert them for each article, you can implement the style tag into your HTML snippet. This is not the cleanest way to do it but it does make the use of snippets a lot more conventient.

Also, I think that sometimes you just have to work with the criteria you're given and if it works, it works:)


In this article, we looked at how we can use the new Figma Dev Mode to create an HTML element that can be used as a reusable snippet in

I think that the Dev Mode already is a super neat and handy feature when it comes to styling. I'm sure the team over at Figma will continue to push updates to it to improve the experience. If at some point they decide to make it possible to convert the Figma elements into HTML, this will make the process from design to live even easier.

I for one can't wait to see what will be coming next!

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